Where and when to see the longest lunar eclipse of the century



The whole world is on the lookout for how the moon will turn red this Friday; However, we Hondurans will not be able to enjoy this show, considered the longest lunar eclipse of the century.

The eclipse of this Friday, July 27 will be visible in its entirety in most countries of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and the Middle East. ;Australia.

"Unfortunately, we will not be able to see it on this occasion.South America may seem, we will have the opportunity to see a phenomenon like this until 2021", said Ricardo Pastrana, professor of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

In South America will be visible the penumbral eclipse, when the shadow of the Earth darkens the moon but does not block all the light. It will be seen in the cities of Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In these cities and in other cities, it will be visible during the moon 's exit on the horizon.

The most recommended thing is to track transmissions from various live observatories such as the NASA channel.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth gets in the way of sunlight reaching the moon. This means that during the night, the full moon disappears as the Earth's shadow covers it, "says NASA.

This" total "phase will last 1 hour and 43 minutes (103 minutes), which makes it the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century

On this phenomenon

The most captivating moment of the eclipse, that is to say when the Moon will be completely in the shadow projected by the Earth, will begin at 19:30 GMT and will end at 21:13 GMT

This "total" phase will last 1 hour and 43 minutes (103 minutes), making it the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

This will be the second total lunar eclipse of 2018, after the one that took place on January 31. On this occasion, it was a "supermoon" because the satellite had the air to be particularly great.

Friday's, on the other hand, will be a "miniluna", since will be almost at the point the most away from the Earth and will give the sensation of having a smaller size. Also for this it will take longer to cross the cone of the shadow.

At first glance, you will see only a bright spot, but with lenses or a telescope, it will be possible to observe it in detail

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