White supremacists use Fortnite and Minecraft to recruit young followers


Fortnite and Minecraft are among the most popular video games of today and both titles owe much of their success to children and teens. As any phenomenon related to these age groups has caused criticism in some sectors regarding the time that young people occupy on this platform, health problems, conflicts with excessive spending parents, etc. But nothing more serious than the revelation that white supremacist groups use these games with other titles as incubators of their harmful ideologies.

The information does not come from a hypothesis nor from a conspiracy theory, but from Christian Picciolini, an ex-member of these groups, who through a forum in Reddit revealed the disturbing practices.

"We are looking for marginalized young people and we have promised them" paradise ", wrote Picciolini. "Today, they use harmful tactics like going to depression and mental health forums and multiplayer games to recruit those same people."

Picciolini added that these recruiters tend to subtly plant "benign cues, then increase them (people who want to recruit) are hooked." To the amazement of forum participants, Picciolini pointed out in which platforms this is given : "Fortnite, Minecraft, COD (Call of Duty), all Yes, these are mostly foreign recruiters from Russia, Eastern Europe and Poland."

The forum is bursting with d & rsquo; Stories as interesting as they are exciting in the workings of these groups, but in the most urgent sense it is a reminder that people with bad intentions seek to take advantage of the spaces of these features where there is There are young people and especially children who can be influenced by this type of practice.

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