Who are the "Hispennials" and why do they have the power to transform the American economy – BBC News


Lives in New York, buys from Amazon, works in an advertising agency and earns over $ 100.00 a year.

Daughter of Ecuadorian immigrants, Karol Chang is an American of Hispanic origin born at the end of the decade. 80 in Brooklyn.

Today, she is married, has a two year old daughter, rents her house but is considering buying it. He has an iPhone, he goes to the gym, he likes to use Instagram and he votes Democrats in the elections.

It is part of "Hispennials", a term used to refer to Hispano-Millennials between companies are 20 years old and 37 years old.

"Their influence on the US economy is growing rapidly," says Mark López, director of the Global Migration and Demography of Washington DC's Pew Research Center

  Karol Chang
Karol Chang is an immigrant girl Ecuadorians born in Brooklyn.

About 15 million people who have more purchasing power than their parents direct entry to university, they have entered the labor market and are eager to to commit.

"They believe more in the American dream than the rest of the Americans, in the sense of the value of hard work and social mobility between gener The market clearly shows that young Latinos play a key role in the game. [19659003Intherealestatesectorforexampletheyconstituteafundamentalgroupbecause buy more properties than the rest of the young people who prefer to rent.

  Hands in Dollars
Hispennials buy more properties than the rest of the population.

According to the National Association of Hispanic Professionals The real estate sector (NHREP), half of the growth of housing acquisition over the past six years is led by young Latin Americans .

This is related to "a large part of the Hispanic population considers the family to be a priority," says BBC Mundo Gary Acosta, dir Executive Director of NHREP

It is not surprising to consider that young Latinos marry more, younger they are less divorced.

" Hispennials will spur economic growth in the United States," said Patty Arvielo, founder and president of New American Funding.

Latino Youth

When they marry on average between 25 and 27 years and have more children, their level of expenditure accelerates .

"They reach adulthood younger than the rest of the population Julie Julie Diaz-Asper, founding partner of the consulting firm Social Lens Research, in conversation with BBC Mundo.

The researcher points out that, even if their parents have a higher level of education, income and consumption, they are also more enterprising in the creation of enterprises.

"They have the power to transform the economy of country ", adds Diaz-Asper

and companies deploy strategies to reach this emerging market., Whereas 6 All Latinos are under 35.

They are also important influencers in social networks, which makes them very attractive to brands.

Chelsea Sánchez is a 27-year-old Hispanic graduate of higher education who lives immersed in the digital world.

An example is Chelsea Sánchez who, at age 27, is a digital native who is usually active on social networks, she consumes a lot of television – via Netflix and Hulu – at her home, buys at Amazon and lives with her boyfriend in Washington DC

Unlike the typical Hispennial to which real estate companies aspire, she does not have the immediate intention to marry or d & rsquo; To buy a house.

However, she is part of the stream of young Latinos who have studied at the university and who want to develop professionally.

A larger entrepreneurial impulse

] hispennials [1945] 9013] consumes and produces more digital content than other young people of the same generation who are not Hispanic.

Many are parents, hold intermediate positions in organizations and have an entrepreneurial impulse superior to rest of the population, according to Víctor Paredes, director of the Wing agency's strategy.

  Meeting young people at work
Many Hispennials have a strong entrepreneurial impulse.

"They have a considerable impact on the economy, but at the same time they have gained more cultural and political influence ," Paredes emphasizes.

And to all this, it must be added that the Hispanic community is growing more than the rest of the population.

Latinos add one million people each year "says Paredes, which turns them into a group that grows the most in the country, measured in numbers of individuals. [19659003] In addition to the influence of the people, its influence Economic growth translates into an increase in purchasing power, which, according to the Pew Research Center, amounts to 1.7 billion US dollars per year

Thus, as the American labor force ages, Hispennials they prepare to take up new jobs.


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