WHO Recognizes "Compulsive Sexual Behavior" as a Mental Disorder


The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged that "compulsive badual behavior" is a mental disorder, but has indicated that it is unclear when it is Is an addiction or if it corresponds to what is happening with gambling or consumption

The term "badual addiction" has been used for decades, but the experts are not d & # 39; agree where it exists.

In the latest update of the International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD) in the world, the WHO takes a step forward towards legitimizing the concept, recognizing the "compulsive badual behavior disorder," or DSCB , like a mental disorder. 19659003] But the UN agency does not agree to link it to addictive behaviors such as drug addiction or gambling, and points out that further research is needed before considering the disorder as an addiction

"moderate, we do not consider that the question … is equivalent to what happens with alcohol or heroin," said expert Geoffrey Reed from WHO to AFP on Saturday.

In the CIE update, published last month, the WHO reported that the CSBD is "characterized by a failure of intense control, due to repetitive badual impulses or urgent need. which causes stress.

But this indicates that the scientific debate remains on whether "the disorder of badual compulsive behavior is a manifestation of addictive behavior".

– There is no excuse for the violation –

Reed said that it is important that the CIE, used around the world as a point of reference to diagnose by insurers, includes a short definition of badual compulsive disorder. "There are people who do not control their badual behavior and suffer from it," he adds, adding that their behavior causes them "a lot of problems".

"This is a type of population that he has a legitimate health problem and can access legitimate treatment," he said.

It is not yet known how many people suffer from this disorder, but Reed said that inclusion in the CIE would lead to further research on the problem., even to determine the best treatments.

But even if one does not attribute to him the characterization of the disorder, Reed said that it would give "security", since some people will realize that they have "a real problem" and may request treatment.

Reed said that he does not think that There is reason to fear that the inclusion of CSBD in the list of disorders is used by people like Harvey Weinstein of criminal behavior

"This does not excuse the abuse badual or rape … in the same way that being alcoholic does not excuse driving u no car drunk, "he added.

The document, which should be approved by member countries at the General Assembly in Geneva next May, will take effect from 1 January 2022 when it is adopted.

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