Who should sign up for comfort paper compensation


Effective July 3, the registration process begins to receive $ 7,000 compensation for the collusion of paper comfort . Measure that will benefit 13.5 million people over 18 – completed May 31, 2018 – who have a valid identity card

However, it should be noted that not everyone will receive not timely payment. automatic C is because the beneficiaries of the Social Security Institute (IPS) and customers of the Banco Estado will receive their payment automatically.

On the one hand, on 2, 2 million people who are permanent beneficiaries of the IPS will receive the $ 7,000 automatically.

In addition, 7.8 million customers of the State Bank will also receive a payment in an automatic manner The first will be the users of checking account then those who have have an electronic checkbook and, finally, those who own Account Rut . if I do not belong to the previous group?

There is a group of about [3,9 millions 900,000] Chileans who do not belong to either of the two groups mentioned above.

In this sense, those who are not clients of the State Bank or are not the beneficiaries of the IPS must conduct an application for compensation .

For such a claim, individuals must enter the site as the National Consumer Service (Sernac) activated for the process; where they have to register.

There, they must choose whether they want to receive compensation in a Caja Vecina del Banco Estado – without the badociated costs – or by an electronic transfer to the account . a bank – with a cost of 300 pesos –

If the latter is chosen, management will be carried out within 10 days .

What is the term for registration?

] The website that Sernac will use to complete the application process will start on July 3rd and will continue until September 30th. Similarly, the payment of $ 7,000 will begin on August 1st.

What happens if I do not register?

Persons who do not complete the process within the three months established by Sernac will not be considered for compensation, therefore Accordingly, all indemnities not collected will be allocated in a next phase to the most vulnerable groups of recipients of IPS .

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