Why Bill Gates appeared with a glass jar filled with excrement – 06/11/2018


Bill Gates was surprised Tuesday in Beijing when appeared next to a glbad jar filled with feces to denounce the lack of toilets, a serious problem of health for developing countries.

"In places where there are no sanitary facilities, there will be many more," said Gates, pointing to the pot at a forum on the "no-go". future of toilets in Beijing.

  Bill Gates will be speaking on Tuesday in Beijing with a jar of excrement. humans (AFP)

Bill Gates will speak Tuesday in Beijing next to a jar containing human excrement. (AFP)

"And that is what children are continually exposed to when they play, and that is why we badociate it not only with quality of life, but also with diseases , death and malnutrition ]"added.

The founding millionaire of Microsoft explained that more than half of the world's population did not have clean and comfortable sanitary facilities.

  Bill Gates will be speaking in Beijing on Tuesday with a pot with human excrement. (AFP)

Bill Gates will speak Tuesday in Beijing next to a jar containing human excrement. (AFP)

"When you think of basic things, health and adequate meals, having reasonable toilets is part of that list," Gates added.

The forum, entitled Reinvented Toilet Expo, is organized by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and showcases state-of-the-art technologies in the area of ​​toilets and sanitation systems to make them cheaper and easier to install.

  This example shows advanced technologies. toilets and sanitary systems. (AP)

In the sample, state-of-the-art technologies were presented in the area of ​​toilets and sanitary systems. (AP)

China, the world's second-largest economy, is engaged in a national campaign to improve its toilets, as part of what President Xi Jinping called a "revolution."

"China has made great strides to improve health and health services for millions of people," Gates said.

  One of the posters of the Reinvented Toilet Expo presentation. (REUTERS)

One of the posters of the Reinvented Toilet Expo presentation. (REUTERS)

According to UNICEF, 892 million people around the world are forced to do their homework abroad.

Source: AFP