Why Cheap Cables Can Kill Your Cellphone When Charging


If the cable and charger are faulty, they can affect the life of the phone's battery, or even ruin it

The next time you decide to connect your mobile phone to a charger, you may need to to be asking you: Cable of poor quality or poor quality? The question is not simple pedantry; a cheap charger could cause irreparable damage to your phone.

The situation is familiar to many. You no longer have battery and take the first charger that is within your reach to give a few lines to the battery of your cell phone.

Or maybe you buy an extra charger, at a reasonable price, to have at the office or to take everywhere with you. However, depending on the cable in question, this practice is not recommended at all.

Here are some of their effects:

1. Fry your cell phone

The cord of your cell phone is actually a current transformer that converts the voltages of a circuit into those of your phone, thanks to a chip that, in Tristar's iPhone phones, calls The generic name is called E75 or U2 and regulates the amount of energy that can receive the plate from your phone.

As Jessa Jones says, from the Ipad Rehab specialist blog, the E75 scans and it ensures that everything is fine before the current begins to pbad. If a cable does not have the necessary chip, a message will appear on your cell phone stating that the accessory is not compatible.

So, why does not it appear on your device when you connect it to a cheap cable? The answer is that many companies make a fake E75 that misleads your cell phone by letting the power go through but could kill your phone if you connect it to a high-voltage power.

2. Slower loads

A cable that does not know how to regulate the volts of the circuit will also make the loads more irregular, with ups and downs. Without a constant fluctuation of energy, the full charge will be much slower than with the cables that control the power supply.

3. Security issues

Many times, the cheapest cables, so as not to increase costs, save in isolation. Leaving a cable of hundreds of volts of electricity without proper control can melt your charger and also the outlet to which you have connected it.

Generally the circuit breaker jumps when it happens and has no major consequences, but you can be scared and end with a ruined socket and charger.

How to recognize a good charger

It is not always necessary to pay the prices imposed by the mobile phone manufacturers because they are usually higher, but it is advisable to try to find a manufacturer who has a manufacturing guarantee for this particular model.

In the case of the iPhone many accessories that are not Apple, but are manufactured for signature products such as headphones, chargers, etc … they carry a label that says MFi, which means Made for iPhone (made for iPhone)

But if you still doubt that they can fool you with imitations, these are some signs that your charger is not the right one, says L & rsquo; Electronics repair expert Matthew Zieminski
in a Medium article:

  • Do not charge
  • False fees (shows the battery icon but the percentage is 0%)
  • The battery drops quickly by a percentage to # 39; other.
  • The charge is random: sometimes, very fast; others, very slow and others stagnate.
  • The battery is at a certain percentage, far from 5%, and suddenly goes out.

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