Why do more men die from skin cancer?


Cancer is a disease in which the cells of the body begin to multiply uncontrollably. When cancer starts in the skin, it is called skin cancer .

The most preventable cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) because either by the sun's rays or by artificial sources such as beds tanning.

The two most common types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, have a high chance of healing, but they can disfigure and be expensive to treat. Melanoma the third most common type of skin cancer, is more dangerous and causes the greatest number of deaths.

A recent study by the National Cancer Research Institute in the United Kingdom (NCRI) published by Medical Express indicates that cancer cases in developed countries have increased significantly in the United States. during the last three decades.

These data come from the badysis of skin cancer cases in the world between 1985 and 2015, which reveals that rates are worse among men.

For example, they mention that for 30 years in Spain and the United Kingdom, the number of skin cancers in men exceeds by 70% the number of cases of skin cancer in women.

Experts attribute this disparity to cases where men use sunscreen less than women to protect themselves from UV rays.

The top three places in skin cancer mortality in developed countries are in Australia
Slovakia and Slovenia, while the country with the least skin cancer is Japan .

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