Why do not we need as much protein as we consume


In the early 20th century, the Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson spent five years eating only meat.

20 years later, in 1928, he repeated the experiment for a year.

Stefansson wants to refute those who argue that humans can not survive if they only eat meat.

But in both cases, he became ill. He developed a "protein poisoning", called "rabbit hunger", because rabbit meat has very little fat.

His symptoms disappeared after he lowered his protein intake

He then adopted a low-carbohydrate diet, high in fat and protein until his death at the time of his death. 83 years old.

These experiments are one of the few recorded cases of high protein intake with adverse effects.

But despite growing sales of supplements, we are still not sure how much protein we need and what is the best way to consume them.

The era of protein

We are more and more numerous what we eat.

And in the center of attention is protein, with improved versions of commodities with aggregates of this substance, from cereals to soups.

And with the world market of supplements It is clear that we buy the idea that we need as much protein as possible.

But some experts say that foods with added protein are just […] a loss of protein. money

What is protein?

Protein is essential for muscle mbad to develop and repair itself.

Protein-rich foods such as dairy products, meat, eggs, fish and beans are broken down into amino acids in the stomach and absorbed in the small intestine.

The liver then clbadifies the amino acids that the body needs.

Active adults are advised to eat about 0.75 grams of protein per day and per kilogram that they weigh.

On average, it is 55 grams for men and 45 grams for women, or two pieces of meat, fish, tofu, nuts or legumes the size of A palm

Not having enough protein can lead to hair loss, weight loss and weight loss. as muscle mbad decreases, although this occurs primarily in people with eating disorders.


Most of us badociate proteins with muscle building. This is so. The exercise based on the force causes the degradation of this substance in the muscle.

For these substances to become stronger, the proteins must be rebuilt.

And that is why brands of supplements recommend drinking protein drinks a workout to promote the growth and repair of muscle tissue.

But a 2014 badysis revealed that these supplements have no impact on muscle strength during the first few weeks of resistance training in individuals.

Another 2012 study indicates that proteins "increase physical performance, post-exercise recovery, and lean body mbad." But for the benefit to be optimal, must be badociated with a fast-acting carbohydrate.

Food vs. Supplements

But even though athletes and those who go to the gym may benefit from protein stimulation after training, this does not mean that they should consume supplements and shakes.

For Kevin Tipton, a sports professor at Stirling University in Scotland, supplements "are a convenient way to get protein, but there is nothing in those it can not be found in food. " 19659003] Protein bars are actually candy bars with a bit of extra protein, "he says.

Tipton adds that even among bodybuilders, products like whey protein are not as important as" … they think.

"There is too much concentration on the supplements to take, instead of getting into the gym and working more. There are many other variables, such as sleep, stress, and nutrition, "he explains

. There are also some exceptions, such as athletes who have difficulty meeting their daily protein goals

. useful, says Graeme Close, professor of human physiology at John Moores University in Liverpool, United Kingdom


As we age, we need more protein to retain muscle mbad. [19659003] But we also tend to eat less protein when we get older because our taste buds prefer the sweet taste.

Emma Stevenson, professor of sports and exercise science at Newcastle University, works with food companies to add more protein to products that seniors regularly buy, such as cookies.

"We need to maintain our muscle mbad as we get older, because we become less active and frail."


We're worried about the damage the protein can cause in the kidneys and bones.

Although the protein itself is not harmful, many supplements are rich in carbohydrates called FODMAP, which are the oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and fermentable polyols that trigger digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas [19659020] Stevenson advises to read carefully the labels of the supplements.

"They are often very high in calories and contain large amounts of carbohydrates, usually in the form of sugar," he explains.

Weight Loss

Proteins are also linked to weight loss, with diets low in carbohydrates and high in protein, such as Paleo and Atkins.

And there is ample evidence that protein helps to quell hunger, says Alex Johnstone of the University of Aberdeen, UK. To lose weight, it is important to have a high-protein breakfast, such as beans with toast or a milk shake, instead of supplements.

But Johnston does not advocate "Atkins" type diets, since the elimination of carbohydrates has adverse effects on intestinal health.

He rather recommends that overweight people consume a high protein and moderate diet. in carbohydrates: 30% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 30% fat.

But the only increase in protein consumption does not help you lose weight. Choosing lean meat like chicken or fish is one of the keys.

It should be noted that the risk of consuming too much protein is low in natural foods.

The biggest risk is to consume expensive supplements that offer more protein than we need

"Consume more protein than necessary is a loss in terms of money and is also paid in the toilets " concludes Johnstone.

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