Why eat garlic a day »El País Tarija


Camilo Andrade Nutritionist

One could say almost unequivocally that garlic is one of the most used medicinal remedies. Known since antiquity and present in almost all cultures, it is more than a condiment in the kitchen of the whole world.

To consider
Garlic is rich in vitamin B, an essential compound that reduces levels of homocysteine. Its antibiotic power was very helpful in these cases and, to this day, taking a regular clove of garlic will help us in many ways to be a good body detoxifier. It helps us purify toxins, eliminate parasites and release heavy metals such as mercury or drug residues from the body that the liver can not process.
Garlic contains allicin, a very therapeutic substance that takes care of our cardiovascular system. So much so that daily consumption of a natural clove of garlic can reduce the bad cholesterol by 9%. Some eat only a few, but in reality, if we get used to taking garlic as medicine every morning, in a few days, we will see the benefits.
Garlic is rich in vitamins A, B and C, very suitable for stimulating liver functions

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