Why so cheap? The first trips into the space of the founder of Amazon already have prices


Jeff Bezos' New Shepard is ready to take his first pbadengers into the sky

Civilian space travel is getting closer. And Blue Origin, the company of Jeff Bezos (owner of Amazon) intends to bill at least USD 200,000 for a ticket to anyone who is interested in making this trip.

This according to a Reuters report, appointing two people "familiar with the plans" of Blue Origin. The idea would be to start selling these first tickets next year and "soon" to make this first test trip on the New Shepard, the company 's spaceship.

The New Shepard is a capsule for a total of six pbadengers It can climb up to 100 kilometers on the surface of the Earth, take a vertical takeoff and then return to the planet through a system of parachute. The unmanned tests carried out up to here have been successful, it is the confidence of Bezos and his team able to put a price (unofficial, at least) on these trips.

A few years ago, the owner of Amazon was planning that in 2018 the first flights with people would take place. There is still half of the year, so it is still possible that this will happen, perhaps thinking that by 2019, "commercial" trips will become reality.

How much would you be willing to pay for a space trip? While the supposed initial figure is high, it does not seem so important to think that there are not so few people in the world who could afford to be the first ones to make money. space tourism.

Jeff Bezos' plan to abandon the Earth and colonize other planets remains firm.

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