Why the fires in Greece that killed at least 74 people are so deadly


"An indescribable tragedy"

This is how the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, on Monday referred to the violent fires that struck the region of Attica, to the east. of Athens

. On Tuesday, the official balance of authorities was at least 74 people killed and nearly 200 wounded as a result of the incident.

The fire, one of the most devastating suffered Europe in this century, also razed many homes and wooded areas

  a burnt house [19659007] Copyright </span><span clbad= AFP
Image caption This was one of the most devastating forest fires of the century in Europe

Fire also blocked roads off Evacuation and many people had to drive their vehicles through thick smoke to escape the fire

One of the most affected areas is Mati, a popular tourist resort located 40 kilometers to east of Athens. There, besides the deaths, the authorities reported more than 1,000 buildings and 300 wrecked cars .

"We are talking about a biblical catastrophe in this wonderful region of Mati". to the BBC George Vokas, a survivor who managed to escape with his family by going to sea

  burning cars Image copyright REUTERS
Image caption [19659010] The fire left hundreds of cars destroyed

"Mati no longer exists," said Evangelos Bournous, mayor of Rafina, a town near which more than 700 people were evacuated across the sea.

"The fire hit like a flamethrower". Nikos Economopoulos, head of the Greek Red Cross. This caused many casualties to inhale large amounts of smoke and suffer burns from various considerations.

Why is spreading so fast?

Forest fires are common in Greece, but a relatively dry winter and a hot summer have created the perfect scenario for the current fires to be generated and propagated

  fire Copyright of Image AFP
Image caption Flames spread because of heat, drought and wind.

Under these conditions, even a small spark can ignite a fire. Once started, the trees and objects found on its way serve as fuel and contribute to its increase in size.

According to local authorities, the high temperatures recorded in Attica, have added to the strong currents of wind [upto100km/h present in the place, they were the key to l & # 39; fire expansion.

  • What is the heat and what does it have to do with the devastating waves? "More than 15 fires started simultaneously on three fronts near Athens and Mati," the door explained. of the Greek government Dimitris Tzanakpoulos

    . the rapid spread, the authorities continue to work to clarify the causes of the origin of the fire.

    The Office of the Prosecutor is investigating to determine whether they could have been caused or, at least, caused by careless human behavior, but no badumption has been confirmed.

      people fleeing to the seaside Copyright REUTERS
    Image caption Hundreds of people had to flee from the seaside.

    L & D Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, France and Cyprus sent planes, vehicles and firefighters to help with the rescue and fire control, but the increase temperatures puts them to a race against the clock to extinguish active fires.

      BBC World

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