Why the generation of young Mexicans who vote is the key


Since the last time Mexico went to the polls to vote in the presidency in 2012, the number of voters has increased by 10 million.

It is as if the entire population of Sweden had the opportunity to vote in Mexico. ] The growth of the country's young population will make the July 1 presidential elections have the largest number of minor voters up to 39 years old that has ever been registered.

Of the 89 million Mexicans qualified to vote in these presidential elections, 44.5 million belong to this group. And 12 million, of the so-called generation millennia l can elect the president for the first time.

"Young people in our country, and many others in Latin America, are a political booty at the time of the vote ," says Gloria Alcocer, president of the Observatory of the Encouragement of Young People to Vote Citizen Force

"They are almost whole countries of what we are talking about," explains the badyst specializing in the electoral vote Youth in a Conversation with the BBC Mundo

But what weight will this population have on the election of the next president of Mexico?

It all depends on how many people will vote in the end and in this Several factors influence, according to badysts. [19659009] Disenchanting

Abstention in the last three presidential elections (2000, 2006, 2012) of Mexico was at an average of 38%, so a good part of the voters of all groups after age, it does not does not exercise his right to vote.

With regard to youth, the badysis of the Citizen Force revealed that there was another aspect that removed them from the polls: disenchantment . The enthusiasm of 18- and 19-year-old voters, who have their first chance of participating in elections, is reflected with up to 70% participation.

But the next group of young people, aged 20 to 25, is the least involved after having gone through the "disenchantment" of unfulfilled policies.

"It turns out that nothing is happening and in the end everything that has excited you and urged you to give your support through Gloria Alcocer

However, Roy Campos, from the Mitofsky Consulta poll, warns that even if the 25 million young people under 30 do not participate, with only half this vote – as expected –

"11, 12 or even 15 million, will be a lot "estimates the expert in an interview with the BBC Mundo

last year, when a first estimate of the large number of young voters was known that there would be in 2018, motivating them to go to the polls seemed to be a basic mission of the candidates.

One of the main proposals in which the presidential hopes coincided were to generate school and employment opportunities to keep them away from recruitment e criminal gangs.

But these efforts may be in vain.

Analysts consider that limiting proposals solely for access to education and a source of work means that young people do not feel motivated to vote

"The Young people do not only subscribe to employment or education they also provide public policies on security, housing, health and political participation, "explains Alcocer.

"We do not see any other very important topics that directly concern young people."

This year, however, there is one element that can stimulate voting, according to Roy Campos: strong desire for change d the establishment among the generation of Young voters

"Young people see a country where there is a lot of Insecurity, where they have little future because of this insecurity and this corruption, "he says.

So that can be a good motivation for many to go to the polls, says the expert.

The polls show it well in this aspect.

According to the poll conducted by Consulta Mitofsky in early June, the intentions of voters aged 18 to 29 favored Andrés Manuel López Obra Dor (AMLO) with 41.7%, considered the most popular candidate remote from the establishment

AMLO, from the coalition Together we will make history, arrives as a favorite of this survey among all

Second, Ricardo Anaya (For Mexico to the front) captured 20.5% of the preferences of young people, while the official Jose Antonio Meade

Another 22.3% chose not to declare who is his favorite

Campos says that AMLO has attracted this expectation of "change" which represents his candidacy, although warns: "I'm not saying that this change will be good, I do not know."

Despite the polls, the choice that will make these young remains uncertain because we are, according to Gloria Alcocer, "before a polarized election."

"That everyone vote in the same clear sense that the election change.The theme is the diversity of young people in Mexico, how to be young also meets the election of a candidate. 19659036] (function (d, s, id) {
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