Wikipedia closes temporarily to protest the law that would threaten freedom online


During 36 hours Spanish Wikipedia will keep its pages closed . This, pending the vote of the European Parliament on a proposal for a directive on copyright to be approved would affect the open internet as stated "The encyclopedia free "By a press release that invades today all its pages.

In the letter, it is explained that "instead of updating copyright laws in Europe and promoting the participation of all citizens in the information society, the Directive would threaten the online freedom and impose new filters, barriers, and restrictions to access the Web.If the proposal was approved in its current version, actions such as sharing a story on social networks or access via a search engine would become more complicated on the Internet ; Wikipedia would be in danger . "

For the same reason, the company chose not to present information on its pages before and during the said discussion, which will take place on 5 July in the European Parliament "We call on all members of the European Parliament to vote against the current text, to open it for discussion and to look at the names many proposals from the Wikimedia movement to protect access to knowledge; among them, the elimination of Articles 11 and 13, the extension of panorama freedom to the whole of the EU and the preservation of the public domain ", they said in the the European Council, which will have the final decision in its hands.If the proposal is rejected, it will have to be referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs, which will have to be debated again and generate a new one. project to be returned to the European Chamber.

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