Will it be ?: According to a scientist, an extraterrestrial vessel has passed through the solar system


Since October 2003, Robert Werylk has discovered Oumuamua through the solar system, 30 000 000 km from the Earth. Different hypotheses have attempted to explain what is this interstellar object captured by the Pan-STARRS telescope 1. It clbadified it as a comet, under the name of C / 2017 U1; after confirming that he had no activity, he was considered an asteroid and had been named A / 2017 U1.

A new study presents the possibility of using an extraterrestrial spaceship.

An investigation by Harvard University, to be published November 12 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, proposes that the object "may be a probe intentionally sent to the vicinity of the Earth by an extraterrestrial civilization", NBC estimated.

The work of Avi Loeb, head of the group The Department of Astronomy of the institution and Shmuel Bialy, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center, do not directly claim that the extraterrestrials sent the alleged ship. "But after a careful badysis of the acceleration of the interstellar object when the sun was blazing, they say that Oumuamua could be a spaceship moved through space through the light which falls on its surface, "said the source. 19659002] Loeb and Bialy described it as follows: "If we consider an artificial origin, one of the possibilities is that Oumuamua is a solar sail, floating in interstellar space like debris of advanced technological equipment. . " Otherwise, a more exotic scenario is that Oumuamua is a fully operational probe, "said Universe Today.

The high speed and trajectory of this reddish object indicate, according to scientists, that it does not belong not to the solar system, but its flat and elongated shape, which has been compared to a cigar, does not correspond to known bodies or phenomena.

"It is impossible to estimate the objective of Oumuamua without any other data, "Loeb told NBC One possibility is that it floated when the solar system hit it," like a ship hitting a buoy on the surface of the ocean "

Loeb is an expert solar sails, also called photon candles: they are instruments launched into space (for the moment known terrestrial) consists of a large surface composed of very light reflective sheets – hence the name candle – which uses the radiation According to him, Oumuamua would be an "exotic".

"We explain Oumuamua's excessive acceleration away from the Sun due to the force exerted by sunlight on its surface," said Universe Today. "In order for this force to explain the measured acceleration, the object must be extremely thin, one millimeter thick, but with tens of meters of extension, it makes it light in relation to its surface and it allows to act as a solar sail, its origin could be natural or artificial ".

Although some colleagues criticized him for his lack of evidence, his hypothesis being hypothetical, Loeb defended himself in front of NBC, saying that it is precisely in the lack of evidence that his work is based: "I am the maxim of Sherlock Holmes: dismissed the impossible, what remains, as unlikely as it may be, must be the truth. "

An additional problem for research at Harvard is that Oumuamua has already left the solar system and can not be seen with telescopes. But Loeb said having observed the object should prompt astronomers to look for similar objects.

Loeb added to Universe Today: "Oumuamua could be a sample of extraterrestrial technology coming to explore our solar system, just as we hope to explore Alpha Centauri with the help of Starshot and similar technologies." The alternative could be "to imagine that Oumuamua was on a reconnaissance mission".

(Source: https://www.infobae.com)

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