
In this context Alejandro Avendaño Gallardo, underlined: If we want to strengthen Williams and make it grow, the solution must be definitive and be fueled by natural gas and be part of the subsidy enjoyed by the rest of the people of Magellan and be fair towards our compatriots. they suffer from a greater severity of low temperatures and firewood does not provide enough caloric power and also tremendous damage to the health of its inhabitants.

We share what the Chilean consul of Ushuaia, Luciano Parodi Gambetti pointed out We proposed so long ago that the solution for Williams is to come up with natural gas through the l & # 39; Argentina.

Pipeline for Puerto Williams

According to Avendaño, for this remote region, a final solution must be sought also at a lower cost for the community, a study must be reactivated concerning the crossing of the Beagle Channel between Punta Almanza and Puerto W illiams, in the governments of the Concertación in the early 2000s and by interest presented by the Magallanes Intendance of the time, ENAP has developed this project at the level of Engineering Conceptual-Basic and must be solicited to activate and this would give a definitive solution to supply natural gas to the municipality of Puerto Williams and consists in building a submarine pipeline.

Obviously, it is a project that, with the number of inhabitants currently and the low gas consumption of the population would not be economically profitable in the short run, but socially profitable despite a cost of US $ 4 at this date. 5 million its construction and whose course is 7 kilometers of submarine pipeline, because it will lack only political and strategic and to be able to look more in the future this isolated municipality where our compatriots make so much efforts of sovereignty, Enap has a tense barge as she is Yagana, who can build this type of pipeline so that the conditions are given would only be enough to resume studies, but clarify that if that happens, Enap should do it Moving forward, we have experience of professionals, technicians and workers.

Today we have gas and also a good relationship with Argentina and we should negotiate to provide the gas that our community needs in this isolated region, the political wills should be given by both Nations as I report to the Parodi Consul of Chile in Ushuaia and so in one way or another realize at the same time that has greater potential for development.

Finally, the head of the oil workers said that we hope that the current government will request a review of this solution and that parliamentarians and the regional council of the region will join them in reactivating this solution, which would be fair to the government. community. If isolated and sacrificed, you can not ignore that significant investments have been made in the projects, but the main and most important to arrive with natural gas is essential for the definitive takeoff of this community and as it has been pbaded on and not only is beautiful talk of the government of President Piñera, what is sought is to end the inequality and here there is an absolute and immense inequality.
"The government of President Piñera seeks to end this inequality, and in response to that, we are together with Seremi Saez to evaluate the most practical alternative for families in our province," said Arcos .

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