With art and dialogue, Ecuador celebrates 20 years of peace with Peru


October 25, 2018, 00:04 Quito, Oct. 25 (PL) The photographic exhibition "# 9 9,, [[[[[[[[[[[[&&Asísethepaz&istodayoneofthetributesofEcuador20yearsfromtheendoftheconflictbetweenthiscountryofSouthAmericaanditsneighborPeru

The sample, available until November 5 at Simón Bolívar Andean University, reflects different stages of the conflict, such as negotiations, border demarcation and execution d & # 39; agreements.

Scientific and cultural conferences are part of the program that began on October 22 and includes the visit of the Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra to Quito, where he will commemorate with his Ecuadorian counterpart, Lenín Moreno, the anniversary to be held tomorrow, October 26th.

Three conversations on the following themes: "The Chancellors of Peace", "Historical Memory of the Peace Process" and "The Future of Relations Between Ecuador and Peru". & # 39 ;, also

Special guests of this day will be two of the protagonists of the signing of the 1998 agreements, Foreign Ministers of the time, José Ayala Lbado (Ecuador) and Fernando de Trasegniez ( Peru).

The two nations sealed the peace through a historic agreement signed in Brasilia on October 26, 1998, which ended the border dispute that had lasted for more than five decades and was repeatedly opposed.

Ecuadorian presidents Jamil Mahuad and Peruvians Alberto Fujimori signed the legal document that allowed the demarcation of 78 kilometers of disputed borders.

agp / scm

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