Without Cristina, Kirchnerism will federate the brand Unidad Ciudadana


With the question of whether she will be a candidate, Cristina allowed the others to apply

  With the question of whether she will be a candidate, Cristina allowed the others to apply

Two weeks ago, to the Instituto Patria Cristinista, Summit of Unidad Ciudadana (UC), the successor of the extinct Frente para la Victoria (FpV). Without Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, something that will be repeated in the quest to federate the electoral brand with which the former president was elected senator in the province of Buenos Aires. His absence in the next provincial launches schedule responds to a truism: if he climbs to a stage, he would be cataloged as a premature candidate. As always, although he tired of repeating privately that he does not want it, until the last moment it will be a mystery whether or not he plays in the next election presidential.

Moreover, in the districts of Conurbano they relive the 2016/2017 season, in which they went to reject it outright to look for it in the absence of a candidate to measure. For now, those who speak to him swear, the former president remains as "smuggler" of the future front. "Talk to everyone," they repeat. And if it's not her, it's her son Máximo Kirchner, by the force of Buenos Aires Asados.

With Oscar Parrilli in charge of the agenda, the presidents of the parties that make up the electoral front finish polishing the details for the next launch inside, facing the presidential elections of 2019. Carlos Castagneto ( who revitalized Kolina after the departure of Alicia Kirchner), Martín Sabbatella (Nuevo Encuentro), Diana Conti (Victory Party, the original FpV base) and Mayor Mario Secco (Frente Grande), received K references of Córdoba. On August 3, after visiting the Salta of the "rational" Peronist Juan Manuel Urtubey and the Corrientes of the official Gustavo Valdés, the Christian leadership will land in the country of another unwilling PC at Kirchner: Juan Schiaretti [19659004] The antecedent of Salta Sergio "Bear" Leavy's enthusiasm: with a divided provincial PJ, with a branch of mbadist, he was elected last year to "honor" the l 39; Citizen Unit, copying the same name for his forehead.

The goal is to visit almost all provinces by the end of the year to "nationalize" the K brand, with the idea of ​​supporting in each district a clean candidate (identified with the former president) who will eventually compete with Unidad Ciudadana in the famous mega-PASO that they preach, in front of an official PC or external.

For this reason, for example, they have not yet defined when to go to the Tucuman Governor Juan Manzur identified with with Kirchnerism only in his province, not outside of him. If there is no agreement with the president, who seems today more inclined to be part of the pichettista cadre, the Kirchner should be in agreement with the president. former tribal leader Jose Alperovich

With this electoral strategy, a powerful internal seeks to force the ballot Mauricio Macri, weakened by economic turbulence, already imagines a scenario: a candidate K (that some of his followers want herself) to Cristina Kirchner) against a renovating peronist option, such as the one already launched by Felipe Solá. Or, why not, the same Sergio Mbada, who does not speak so badly in the country. On the other hand, there would not be, faithful to the custom Cristinista, an internal standoff of UC, as being among the already launched Agustín Rossi and Jorge Capitanich; and the aforesaid Axel Kicillof. "I would divide Kirchner's vote", is the argument.

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