Witness statements complicate Keiko Fujimori


Effective collaborators and protected witnesses from the Peruvian prosecutor's office confirming Keiko Fujimori's involvement in the irregular money-laundering practices his Popular Force party had suffered to finance his election campaigns, revealed to Peruvian media on Sunday. It is collected by the investigative journalism portal IDL-Reporteros and the newspaper La República, which publishes part of the statements that these witnesses and collaborators contributed to the Public Prosecutor's Office, as part of the investigations against the head of the principal. Peruvian opposition party. and his closest badociates.

These statements, some of which were made less than a week ago, are part of the 36-month pre-trial detention requirement against Fujimori, presented by the US Attorney General's Office. prosecutor before the judiciary and that it was going to be clarified. Sunday at a hearing that was finally postponed.

Among the facts The seven effective collaborators and the six protected witnesses reveal an alleged meeting between Fujimori and former judge César Hinostroza last March, before the former judge was seized appeal by the Leader of the Opposition and her husband, Mark Vito. The Supreme Court will open an investigation into money laundering called "badtail business"

Fujimori has so far refused to meet Hinostroza, despite the revelation of an audio recording in which the Exjuez shows his hope of meeting him. a person whom he calls Mrs K.

The ex-judge, currently detained in Spain at the request of the prosecution, is accused of belonging to a criminal network called "Los collos" blanco del puerto ", in which judges, prosecutors and magistrates have negotiated promotions and benefits.

Similarly, the witnesses reveal details about the Fujimorist party hierarchy, where they emphasize that the decisions are Adas by an integrated dome of Keiko Fujimori, Ana Herz, Pier Figari and Vicente Silva.

Another of the tests included in the request of the prosecutor responsible for money laundering, José Domingo Pérez, is the statement that Within the Popular Party, a majority in Congress, a campaign of defamation is being organized against him, in the context of Fujimori's pretrial detention.

They also confirm to the prosecutor the alleged "armor" of Fuerza Popular to the controversy. Attorney General Pedro Chávarry, ordered by Fujimori, aimed to obtain advantages and advantages in investigations conducted by his party.

As they point out, even before taking the highest authority of the public prosecutor, Fujimori stressed that "Chávarry must be the new prosecutor of the Nation."

The tax investigation is directed against the improper financing of Keiko Fujimori's campaign for the 2011 presidential elections, which allegedly masked undeclared large donations with shadow accounting containing multiple private contributions.

Among the allegedly hidden gifts would be at least a million dollars from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, which the company, protagonist of the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Latin America.

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