Woman thought her problem was fatigue but in reality she was about to die | Life


A little over a year ago, Christina Ferrara (30) performed the most important operation of her life and what changed her perception.

It all started early last year, when the Tampa woman (Florida, USA) worked a little over 40 hours a week and felt very tired every day. According to her story on Instagram, she was suffering from persistent fatigue which required her to consume a lot of coffee.

To this symptom added bleeding gums, which she attributes to poor dental hygiene, dark color of her urine, that it related to the little water that He drank. "I did not think it would be anything serious," he admitted according to the same social network.

However, one day in July, Ferrara began to lose consciousness because of fatigue, fainted, and was soon hospitalized by her family. There, doctors told him bad news. "They told me that I would die in a week if I did not receive urgent care" he recalls. also had a high rate of liver enzymes that damaged his body and 40% of liver necrosis. The doctor told him that his liver was not working and needed a transplant as soon as possible.

His illness progressed so much that he had to be induced into coma and quickly topped the list of liver transplants in Florida. Twelve hours later, he was the first in the whole country and called "the sickest woman in the United States".

The first liver arrived in a few hours and had to be discarded because it was very big. for your body. Then they threw away another one because he was very old and another because he was sick. "My family was suffering a lot in the hospital," he said. On the fourth attempt, she found a liver that quickly reconciled with her body and helped her recover quickly. "It's amazing to be alive after what happened" he said.

One year after that moment, which Ferrara calls "miraculous", the woman has totally changed her way of seeing life: "I do not spend a day without thanking God for being alive." enjoy each day with my family and friends, as if I were the last one. "

However, he must live by ingesting dozens of medications that help the body to adapt to the body of the woman after the delicate procedure. "It was not easy, my immune system is practically non-existent, so when I'm sick … I'm very sick, but I get it back, my meds have side effects that I'm going to find years but I am a fighter " he said.

For the woman, the liver transplant was a new opportunity for life, reason that encourages her to promote this noble practice, to various campaigns. "Save someone like me was saved.They gave me a second chance for a reason: save others too.If only one of you becomes a donor, then I will feel that I did my job! " he said. "Give someone a chance to share again with those he loves …", she added.

Currently, Christina is dedicated to sharing her new life on social networks, showing the program of exercise, eating healthy and inspiring her story. In the meantime, he never knew clearly who was at the origin of the disease that almost cost him his life.

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