Women offered to read the chance, but ended up stealing $ 90,000 and beating their victim in Arica


Around the
15.40 pm on Thursday, January 4th, a couple shared
above a vehicle in the tourist sector of the ancient island El Alacrán.

circumstances were treated by three women, identified as
Geovanka D., Morelia C. and Victoria M., who approached them, offering
read the chance and ask for money.

However, the
The mobile phone driver refused, which motivated the people involved to open their
gate and steal a wallet with $ 90,000 in cash.

When the man
tried to stop them, the women continued to beat him in different parts of
his body, all this while Geovanka distracts the companion from the affected.

Detention and formalization

happened, the couple denounced the incident before Carabineros, who later managed to
stop the attackers.

With these
bottom in hand, and according to the slogan of La Estrella, the Oral Criminal Court (TOP) of Arica sentenced Geovanka,
Morelia and Victoria perpetrators of the crime of robbery with violence.

Reading from
sentence will take place this Monday, July 30, starting at 1 pm

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