Women's organizations say they are not afraid to continue being mobilized "Diario y Radio U Chile


After the attacks in March, when three women were stabbed in the middle of the barricades erected by groups opposed to the feminist claim, the Coordinadora Feministas en Lucha said that they would not allow this type of This event intimidates their mobilization.

Thursday, July 26, 2018 18h38.


The Feministas Coordinadora in Lucha categorized as fascist acts of character and absolutely reprehensible the aggression of three women took place on Wednesday at the end of the march called to demand a free, safe and free abortion , in the center of Santiago.

While the mobilization managed to summon thousands of women, this is no longer a barrel series Contrary to this movement, they overshadowed the march that began on Plaza Italia and ended in the street Echaurren, where the attacks finally took place.

According to Macarena Castañeda, spokesperson for the Coordinadora, the protesters saw the barricades they wanted to avoid them, that's why they were attacked and three women stabbed, one in his abdomen and the other two in His legs. The victims are already registered, however, the fact has caused widespread social repudiation.

From the coordinator, they commented that the attacks, most likely, were planned, since it was not an isolated incident and because of the character of the counter-attack, manifestation, you can deduce an explicit intention to attack those who participated.

Also, the spokeswoman said that this is not news for them, it's part of what women do what happens every time the woman raises her voice in favor of her rights or against the violence that we suffer, it happens to those who denounce aggression, abuse work or arrive to those of us who demonstrate. This is not new. "

Castañeda also indicated that the actions of the Carabineros were negligent, because they favored the protection of private property before that of women who walked peacefully." Although they point out that before the first acts of violence the police acted, then, in the second attack, they did not attend the women who were attacked around the barricades.

On the other hand, the patriotic social movement, a group of nationalist character, was attributed, through social networks, the beginning of a barricade in the area of ​​Santa Lucia, but ruled out to be after stabbings.In addition, they said that they had thrown blood and guts to "remind the abortionists that what they were looking for, it was killing children."

Paola Arroyo, also spokeswoman for the coordinator of Feministas in Lucha, has stated that constantly "all the advances popular asking for rights as in the case of us women ", so it is necessary to investigate the facts. He added that they would encourage the investigation of all acts of violence, even if the court is not generally interested.

During the morning of Friday, various feminist organizations will go to the Justice Center to present the complaint and ask the prosecutor's office to carry out the necessary investigations to clarify the acts of violence.

In addition, spokesmen badured that they will continue their struggle despite these facts, and called on women not to be afraid and to continue to participate in the protests, because that is the only way to guarantee their dignified life as women.

Broad political rejection

The situation was not long in causing a sensation in the political world, where both the ruling party and the opposition repudiated these acts of violence .

On behalf of the government, it is Karla Rubilar who criticized the situation by baduring that "We can think the same or differently, but violence as a mechanism of struggle is not accepted ", so, on behalf of President Sebastián Piñera, Intendance will file a lawsuit against those responsible.

To this, added ministers Isabel Pla and Cecilia Pérez, who by their Twitter accounts lamented the facts, however, there were several critics because President Sebastián Piñera did not refer to the facts.

From the opposition, Beatriz Sánchez, in the company of the central table of the Frente Amplio, went to the Palace of La Moneda to deliver a letter to the president, asking him to refer to the question, and although he appreciates the complaint announced in the Intendance, he commented that the pronunciation had to be a lot before, because "yesterday there was fear in the streets, there was a lot of confusion." worry about what was happening and I think it was a late reaction to do so in the middle of the morning

Faced with the situation, Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, evokes the facts dismissing a delay, and ensuring that the critics are unfair, because as soon as the context was received, the order was given by the president himself

The Coordinadora Feministas in Lucha, described as fascist act and absolutely reprehensible, stabbed three women Wednesday at the end of the march, for proclaiming a free, safe and free abortion, While the mobilization managed to summon thousands of women, this fact, plus a series of barricades contrary to the movement, eclipsed the march that began at Plaza Italia and ended in the street Echaurren, where they ended up arriving. the attacks.

According to Macarena Castañeda, spokesperson for the Coordinadora, once the protesters saw that they were hooding Enzaban the barricades wanted to avoid them, that's why they were attacked and three women stabbed, one in his abdomen and the other two in his legs. The victims are already registered, however, the fact has caused widespread social repudiation.

From the coordinator, they commented that the attacks, most likely, were planned, since it was not an isolated incident and because of the character of the counter-attack, manifestation, you can deduce an explicit intention to attack those who participated.

Also, the spokeswoman said that this is not news for them, it's part of what women do what happens every time the woman raises her voice in favor of her rights or against the violence that we suffer, it happens to those who denounce aggression, abuse work or arrive to those of us who demonstrate. This is not new. "

Castañeda also indicated that the actions of the Carabineros were negligent, because they favored the protection of private property before that of women who walked peacefully." Although they point out that before the first acts of violence the police acted, then, in the second attack, they did not attend the women who were attacked around the barricades.

On the other hand, the patriotic social movement, a group of nationalist character, was attributed, through social networks, the beginning of a barricade in the area of ​​Santa Lucia, but ruled out to be after stabbings.In addition, they said that they had thrown blood and guts to "remind the abortionists that what they were looking for, it was killing children."

Paola Arroyo, also spokeswoman for the coordinator of Feministas in Lucha, has stated that constantly "all the advances popular asking for rights as in the case of us women ", so it is necessary to investigate the facts. He added that they would encourage the investigation of all acts of violence, even if the court is not generally interested.

During the morning of Friday, various feminist organizations will go to the Justice Center to present the complaint and ask the prosecutor's office to carry out the necessary investigations to clarify the acts of violence.

In addition, spokesmen badured that they will continue their struggle despite these facts, and called on women not to be afraid and to continue to participate in the protests, because that is the only way to guarantee their dignified life as women.

Broad political rejection

The situation was not long in causing a sensation in the political world, where both the ruling party and the opposition repudiated these acts of violence .

On behalf of the government, it is Karla Rubilar who criticized the situation by baduring that "We can think the same or differently, but violence as a mechanism of struggle is not accepted ", so, on behalf of President Sebastián Piñera, Intendance will file a lawsuit against those responsible.

To this, added ministers Isabel Pla and Cecilia Pérez, who by their Twitter accounts lamented the facts, however, there were several critics because President Sebastián Piñera did not refer to the facts.

From the opposition, Beatriz Sánchez, in the company of the central table of the Frente Amplio, went to the Palace of La Moneda to deliver a letter to the president, asking him to refer to the question, and although he appreciates the complaint announced in the Intendance, he commented that the pronunciation had to be a lot before, because "yesterday there was fear in the streets, there was a lot of confusion." worry about what was happening and I think it was a late reaction to do so in the middle of the morning

Faced with the situation, Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, evokes the facts dismissing a delay, and baduring that the critics are unfair, because as soon as the context was received, the order was given by the president himself

The Coordinadora Feministas in Lucha, categorized as fascist acts and absolutely repudiating the aggression of three women, has produced mercre di at the end of the march called for a free, safe and free abortion, While the mobilization managed to summon thousands of women, this fact, plus a series of barricades contrary to the movement, eclipsed the march that began at the Plaza Italia and ended in Echaurren Street, where they finally arrived. the attacks.

According to Macarena Castañeda, spokesperson for the Coordinadora, once the protesters saw that they were hooding Enzaban the barricades wanted to avoid them, that's why they were attacked and three women stabbed, one in his abdomen and the other two in his legs. The victims are already registered, however, the fact has caused widespread social repudiation.

From the coordinator, they commented that the attacks, most likely, were planned, since it was not an isolated incident and because of the character of the counter-attack, manifestation, you can deduce an explicit intention to attack those who participated.

Also, the spokeswoman said that this is not news for them, it's part of what women do what happens every time the woman raises her voice in favor of her rights or against the violence that we suffer, it happens to those who denounce aggression, abuse work or arrive to those of us who demonstrate. This is not new. "

Castañeda also indicated that the actions of the Carabineros were negligent, because they favored the protection of private property before that of women who walked peacefully." Although they point out that before the first acts of violence the police acted, then, in the second attack, they did not attend the women who were attacked around the barricades.

On the other hand, the patriotic social movement, a group of nationalist character, was attributed, through social networks, the beginning of a barricade in the area of ​​Santa Lucia, but ruled out to be after stabbings.In addition, they said that they had thrown blood and guts to "remind the abortionists that what they were looking for, it was killing children."

Paola Arroyo, also spokeswoman for the coordinator of Feministas in Lucha, has stated that constantly "all the advances popular asking for rights as in the case of us women ", so it is necessary to investigate the facts. He added that they would encourage the investigation of all acts of violence, even if the court is not generally interested.

During the morning of Friday, various feminist organizations will go to the Justice Center to present the complaint and ask the prosecutor's office to carry out the necessary investigations to clarify the acts of violence.

In addition, spokesmen badured that they will continue their struggle despite these facts, and called on women not to be afraid and to continue to participate in the protests, because that is the only way to guarantee their dignified life as women.

Broad political rejection

The situation was not long in causing a sensation in the political world, where both the ruling party and the opposition repudiated these acts of violence .

On behalf of the government, it is Karla Rubilar who criticized the situation by baduring that "We can think the same or differently, but violence as a mechanism of struggle is not accepted ", so, on behalf of President Sebastián Piñera, Intendance will file a lawsuit against those responsible.

To this, added ministers Isabel Pla and Cecilia Pérez, who by their Twitter accounts lamented the facts, however, there were several critics because President Sebastián Piñera did not refer to the facts.

From the opposition, Beatriz Sánchez, in the company of the central table of the Frente Amplio, went to the Palace of La Moneda to deliver a letter to the president, asking him to refer to the question, and although he appreciates the complaint announced in the Intendance, he commented that the pronunciation had to be a lot before, because "yesterday there was fear in the streets, there was a lot of confusion." worry about what was happening and I think it was a late reaction to do so in the middle of the morning

Faced with the situation, Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, evokes the facts dismissing a delay, and baduring that the critics are unfair, because as soon as the context was received, the order was given by the president himself to complain against those responsible.

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