Work four days and collect five: the experience of a business in New Zealand


Perpetual Guardian, a 240-employee New Zealand company that manages funds, wills and properties, decided to conduct a two-month experiment in which employees worked four days a week instead of five

While each team had a month to prepare, establishing productivity measures, the company also hired two professors from the University of Auckland to carry out the work. study. Each employee had to complete a survey before the start of the experiment and after. The results, according to CNBC, were a success

Employee stress dropped by 7% and 78% said they could better balance their work and work life, while in the survey previous, only 54% had shown do the Productivity has not been affected either: the team's commitment, leadership, stimulation and empowerment have improved.

Pre-experimental planning had a positive impact on employee behavior. The qualitative badysis has shown that many employees have put in place new ways to be more efficient at work. This included automating processes, more focused meetings and stopping the use of the Internet for non-work related issues.

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reduction of their hours of work as a gift, valuing the opening of the company. 39; enterprise to try new forms of work, which has resulted in more commitment and a better work environment, "says the study. "Even many employees said that they were willing to be available to perform certain tasks during their day off," the report adds. Outside work, the benefits have been demonstrated by greater participation in family life.

Therefore, Andrew Barnes, Chief Executive Officer of Perpetual Guardian, recommended to the Board of Directors to make the benefit permanent.

The Chronicler – RIPE

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