Workers of Chuquicamata have a dialogue table with the government after the paralysis | National


Workers of Unions 1, 2 and 3 of the Chuquicamata Division, in addition to Union No. 1 of Codelco's Antofagasta, blocked access and paralyzed the duties of the mining company during the day of Monday, arguing exhausted the instances of dialogue with the signature.

Finally, and after the measure of the pressure of the workers, the day of this mare will take place a table of dialogue between the representatives of the unions and the Government.

After 1 pm, the Carabineros Special Forces entered the facilities and dispersed the protesters who guarded the headquarters offices until 10:00 pm.

The company and the government went out to reject the fact. President Sebastián Piñera himself said that growth and development are not achieved by strikes, marches or protests but by work, innovation, the ability undertake and solve problems.

unions seeking the reinstatement of two dismissed officials under section 161 because, in their view, attempted to harm the interests of society because of suspicions exist about a possible copper theft what would be part of it.

Palacio's spokeswoman, Cecilia Pérez, said that she hoped that an agreement between the parties would be achieved however, she warned that they would guarantee the "

public order and would not allow interruptions on the roads. //

L&#39the obligation of the workers to deposit the pressure measurement, was to generate a table of Dialogue to be held Tuesday at 09:00

Will participate the director general of the division, Mauricio Barraza, the vice-president of the operations of the North, Álvaro Aliaga, as well as the mayor Antofagasta, Marco Antonio Diaz, who will officiate as guarantor .

Chuquicamata No. 2 union vice president Mario Lobos said that hopes to reach an agreement to unblock the conflict engendered by the yacimi conversion plan in 2022, when it will start operating clandestinely which will mean the disengagement of 1,700 workers . 256-cuna-chuqui-lobos.mp3

Parallel to the agreements, or commitments that can be acquired at the meeting of this day with the management, the workers have already begun to vote a possible disaffiliation of the unions of Chuquicamata to the Federation of copper workers (FTC)

This, since they accuse the FTC, and in particular its president, Juan Olguín, for not having respected the mandate badigned by the directors of a working table process that will end on Wednesday

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