Workers paralyze the Chuquicamata mine: "We are exhausting the dialogue, the struggle begins" | National


The workers of Codelco Chile one, two and three unions of the Division Chuquicamata and the number one union of Antofagasta, decided to paralyze the functions of the mining arguing that the instances of dialogue with the management were exhausted. The motto of the mobilization is: "We are exhausting the dialogue, the struggle begins"

The information was confirmed in the early hours of this Monday, through a press release issued by the unions. 19659002] They also detailed the petition to file the mobilization, led by the request to "immediately reinstate" two "unjustified dismissed" workers and put an end to what they view as a series of practices . anti-union .

Workers also called for "the effective installation of work tables" with different directions and that their right to influence issues such as "Exit Plans, Proposals for the employability and transformation of the Chuquicamata mine into a mine at the underground mine, reshuffles, structural projects, investments, among others. "

Then they explained that ] In order to complete the strike, the mining company must "apply the Chilean standard 3262 on gender diversity Reconciling work, family and personal life, with the participation of union leaders."

the unions pointed out in their statement a warning: "if as a result of this mobilization the administration proceeds to the annulment of a worker, this paralysis will become indefinite with the support of the private mining unions "and other social movements with presence throughout the country.


Chuquicamata taken by the workers, total work stoppage.

– Union 3 Chuquicamata (@ 3_sindicato) July 30, 2018

Unemployed Chuquicamata [19659003] – Sindicato 1 Chuquicamata (@ 1_sindicato) July 30, 2018

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