Workers protest with beets for the eventual closure of Iansa's factory in Linares


A caravan of 2,000 people was present in Linares to protest against the eventual closure of the Iansa factory, which has been operating for more than 60 years in the region and directly employs 200 people.

is that a procession composed of tractors, trucks and vehicles reached the Plaza de Armas de Linares, where they dumped a full load of beets in front of the provincial government.

According to Jorge Uslar, spokesman for the protesters, he stressed that "it is a feeling of the whole community and this is not a new situation, it is a situation in the absence of real agricultural policies.We do not want corrective measures, we want the government to work seriously in a real agricultural policy. "

The closure of Iansa to Linares will affect not only the 200 workers who work in the factory, but also 4,000 families living beet, among farmers, seasonal workers and transporters, in an area that has an unemployment rate of 8.5%.

This was emphasized by Ciro Tapia, union president, who said that generate much more unemployment than exists today in Linares, and guild response is fundamental. We apologize to people, but we will continue to fight to keep the factory in Linares. "

The workers' demand is supported by Mayor Mario Meza." The whole city is linked to Iansa (…) We need the help of the government; "We need a special bonus of three million dollars for our sugar beet growers" he told Radio Cooperativa

For his part, the president of the truckers of Chile, Sergio Perez, made it clear that the demonstration beet industry.

"The mobilization of today is a second call for mobilization, before an upcoming mobilization that envisages the intervention of Ruta 5 Sur," he left in Clato [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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