World Cup matches benefit restaurant owners


Daniel Pacheco / SIPSE
JOUE DEL CARMEN, Q. Roo.- After two weeks of starting the World Football Championship in Russia 2018, the restaurateurs of the tourist area and center of Playa del Carmen, The result benefited from an increase in activities during the matches .

According to estimates by the National Chamber of Restaurants and Seasonal Foods (Canirac), sales and influxes in establishments increased by 15 to 20%.

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These vans were observed during the morning due of jet lag Russia and especially during matches in the first phase of the Mexican national team, despite the fact that they were mainly in the middle of the week.

"Many establishments started to offer breakfasts, with good participation, with the only drawback is that it was mid-week, but there was a good influx and after 12 hours, they ask for other types of dishes and drinks, "said Manuel García Maldonado, director of Canirac in Playa del Carmen

. The representative of this productive sector, noted that in addition to local consumers he is already beginning to perceive that foreign visitors like to visit restaurants to enjoy international festivals.

beginning of the summer season, it plans to increase its occupation and activity, based on the fact that, thanks to good hotel occupancy figures, this will also be reflected in the 39, catering industry of the local tourist area. " expectations are positive since at the present time we are at 80% in terms of occupancy rates of hotels and that this could exceed 90% in the coming weeks This will be beneficial to us, "said Canirac's director Playa del Carmen


Last Monday, July 2, when the restaurants and bars of Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen broadcast the match between the Mexico and Mexico. Brazil, the presence of Rio visitors enjoying the meeting was observed. Dressed in the traditional yellow uniform, they began to take confidence in their celebrations and did not keep the excitement of every goal scored to move on to the next World Cup.

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