World Day Against Breast Cancer


The whole world is moved by a common cause. Fighting side by side for what he understands as a plague that can be prevented and fought. And this is one of the reasons why the San Luis Deliberative Council is taking over, in Argentina, a chain of cafés in Barcelona, ​​Spain and thousands of institutions in the most remote corners of the Universe.

sustained since 1996, but still high. For unclear reasons, early detection remains the cornerstone of the fight against this disease.

October 19 is Breast Cancer Awareness Day, organized by the World Health Organization, and the measures to increase attention, early detection, treatment and palliative care are reinforced throughout the month of October in Argentina.

When it is detected early and appropriate treatment is established, the chances of recovery are met.

The Ministry of Health of the Nation estimates that more than 21,000 new cases have been identified in the country, or 31.8% of all cancers in women. The highest case rate is recorded in the province of San Luis (21 cases per 100,000 women) and the lowest in Santiago del Estero (10.8 cases per 100,000 women). On the other hand, more than 75% of women with bad cancer do not have a family history of this disease.

After Uruguay, Argentina is the country of America where the cancer death rate is the highest. In our country, the incidence is highest among women, with a rate of 73 cases per 100,000. And it is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women: more than 5,800 deaths occur each year . However, this mortality has steadily decreased since 1996, at an annual rate of 0.9% over the period 1996-2013, then by 2.1% between 2013 and 2016.

That is why universal councils are Valid:

Exercise: Many studies show that vigorous physical activity decreases the risk of bad cancer. In general, regular physical activity is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces the risk of many diseases (mainly cancer, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis), helps maintain a healthy weight and promotes mental health. [19659002] A varied diet without excess does not produce a miracle or cure cancer, but I know that a diet based mainly on vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals will help, among other things, to limit risk at maximum. [19659002] Take care of your weight. Overweight and obesity are directly related to the risk of bad cancer and even the risk of recurrence once diagnosed and treated. It should be remembered that foods high in saturated fat and sugars make you gain weight very quickly and increase the risk of bad cancer.

Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of bad cancer, especially in women who badfeed for more than a year.

Seek genetic counseling. If there have been several cases of the family, especially first-degree relatives or very young diagnoses, it is useful to badess the risk and to prevent it.

It is interesting that the world is engaged in a common battle. Together With Prevention With a lot of information. With all the tools for the defense of a fierce attack. And that seems impossible, but the codes are shared, the pain is badimilated, the drama is humanized.

The world, in a common struggle.


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