Ximena Hernández Garrido assumes as new treasurer general of the Republic


The Government of Sebastián Piñera announced that Ximena Hernández Garrido will become the Treasurer General of the Republic

On July 1, this civilian industrial engineer from the University of Chile began to exercise his duties and has a degree in Finance Catholic University.

Between 1990 and 2016, he worked at the International Bank, where he was responsible for managing operational risk, credit risk and financial risk. At the time of taking over, he was the general manager of the retail company Comercializadora Family Shop.

Hernández, after baduming, thanked the president for his appointment, saying that he badumes the position with responsibility and humility. "It's a great challenge and a pride to serve in an entity as important as the Treasury, I will work for service strengthening and modernization," he said.

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