Yandex, the Russian search engine that gives Google "two kicks"


Competition between the world's largest companies has seen the emergence of new competitors who have recently multiplied to claim space in their respective fields, be it in the fields of finance, oil, technology or technology. many others that led to the accumulation. of power in the world today. Many companies that are gaining ground have also had the experience of former employees of the large companies that they hire without hesitation for a minute.

Earlier this year, I boarded a driverless car for the first time. time. I was one of the hundreds who waited patiently for a ride.

Some even burned in the sun in the meantime, but felt the pain was worth it. At the end of the adventure, each of us who was there gave us a little pin that said: "The first pbadenger of the unmanned car"

Knows the risks of connecting to a Wi-Fi network public

This advertising appeal took place at a conference organized by one of the world's largest Internet companies, which also works in fields such as artificial intelligence, automated vehicles, personal badistants, translation online, dictionaries, online markets and, more recently, smart speakers.

But it's not Google. And it's not even in Silicon Valley, California.

Google is the most dominant because it has become more than just a search engine.

But you have to add another competitor to this list, and from which few people have heard of the outside of the country where he operates.

This country is Russia. The search engine? Yandex.

Like its counterpart in Silicon Valley, the "Russian Google" is more than just a search engine.

Yandex smart speakers are as popular in Russia as the most high-tech accessories of the West

Born in the late 1990s with the web address of And since then, he has become a giant of expanding information technologies.

"In the West, they like to call us the Google of Russia, but we are much more than that: we are the Uber of Russia, the Spotify of Russia and many other things" Arkadiy Volozh, founder and chief of Yandex, in 2017.

A 4 GB USB key costs only a few dollars in 2018. But when Yandex was founded, it could come to thousands of dollars. This memory capacity was more or less what Volozh had to buy to install the Yandex search engine in 1997.

But how did this company become the information technology giant? that only raised the US that in 2011 $ 1,300 million, which is not far from Google's profits for the same year: $ 1,700 million.

Yandex may be an essentially Russian company, but it certainly benefits from foreign talent: it has former employees of Google and Microsoft.

It is clear that Google considers Google as one of its major rivals, but only in terms of technology and ideas.

Olga Maslikhova, an investor at risk in this area, says that Yandex has chosen not to compete with Google on the world stage, but you have decided to focus your resources in Russia.

"Yandex is a public company that must increase its value.The option is to adapt to other regions or develop new product lines in a specific region", said Maslikhova.

"Given the economic situation in Russia, it is difficult to develop internationally.This is why Yandex chose the strategy of horizontal scaling, c & # 39; 39, ie where he is already operating. "

Read the full article on BBC World

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