Yellow alert updated by Nevados de Chillán and warn of a possible eruption in the coming days – National


© Agencia Uno   Yellow alert updated by Nevados de Chillán and warning against a possible eruption in the coming days

Onemi announced that the technical alert at the level of Naranjo is maintained after earthquakes and explosions. Tvn


The National Emergency Office (Onemi) published a new update of the Yellow Alert for the municipalities of Pinto, Coihueco and San Fabián by activity of the volcanic complex Nevados de Chillán.

According to the detailed organization according to the information given by OVDAS-Sernageomin, the level of technical warning in the Naranjo level is maintained. He further states that "a probable eruption, could develop over a period of days or weeks."

This after Friday and Saturday the monitoring stations recorded two earthquakes badociated with explosions, the first being of magnitude 3.7 Ml at 430 meters deep, and this Saturday a magnitude 3, 9 Ml to 1, 4 kilometers deep, both driven by fluid dynamics in the volcanic system, near the crater Nicanor.

The appearance of these explosions, suggests that the volcanic system could increase its level of activity ] according to the scenarios shown in reports of volcanic activity (RAV) issued

The document details that it is possible that new energy explosions similar to or greater than those reported occur, which would imply an increase in alert level.

Due to antecedents, Onemi in coordination with the Stewardship of the Biobío Region has decided to update the Yellow Warning of the Civil Protection System for the aforementioned communes.

The recommendations are "to maintain a safety radius of 3 kilometers around the active crater and the state of preparedness of emergency plans in areas of potential danger daily release by Sernageomin in reports of volcanic activity "


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