Yes! Another "experience" with transportation to Havana • Workers


The qualifier "experience" shudders. Especially in Cuba, where an "experience" can last for years before it ceases to be; where the corrections, based on the results of the "experiments", take too much time; where uncertainty has become part of the routine. We have not always experienced well.

However, persevering in his attempts to solve a problem, or at least to lighten it, is part of the governance that has historically characterized the island. And the truth is that, with the transport sector, no one has crossed their arms. Advances, setbacks, more or less effective measures have resulted in the scenario we have today, which, even if it does not even hold the regular rating, has improved compared to the years and in previous years.

In this scheme, private carriers essential role, since they complement the public service, which, obviously, is still far from satisfying demand, at least in the capital. "We can not do without the services that they provide," said Deputy Transport Minister Marta Oramas Rivero, at the beginning of a press conference that explained the new experience of ordering transport to Havana

. it might seem given the name of "experience", this does not have a definite period to confirm its feasibility or not. In fact, according to the deputy minister answered the question of workers on the subject, in four months is expected to extend to the provinces of Artemisa and Mayabeque and, in a year throughout the country.

The main objective of this process is to find a balance between the interests of the people, the interests of the carriers who wish to participate and the interests of the state, "said Oramas Rivero, who added that "the experience includes all pbadenger carriers. by means of self-propelled vehicles, jeep panels and minibuses, with a capacity of 4 to 14 pbadengers. "

The idea is that by means of a system of 26 pits (today 18 are operational), and 23 badociated routes (today 14 are operational) is ordered the transportation of pbadengers to Havana.

Advantages of wagering on the experience

  • Those wishing to participate will receive fuel at a different price (2 CUP per liter of diesel, 10 CUP per liter of gasoline engine, 13 CUP per liter of regular gasoline and 16 CUP per liter of special gasoline)

This implies an obligation to consume a minimum of fuel according to

  • They may also acquire parts or resources for its operation, according to existing possibilities
  • Today the Ministry of Transport is developing a plan to allow a network of more than 30
  • In the same way, they will have a specific tax regime , just for them

Finance and prices …

"The development of self-employment in tax matters was regulated by Resolution 194 of June 30th. But for this experiment, Resolution 195 of the same date has been published, with a specific character, "said the Director General of Tax Policy of the Ministry of Finance and Prices, Vladimir Regueiro

. those who aspire to be bound to experimentation must carry out the authorization of the tax bank accounts for, through a card provided by Fincimex, acquire fuel or other inputs, make payments due, etc. .

"The haircut will also be recognized (at the time the carrier submits the affidavit) as a deductible expense, of all the fuel that was purchased through the service network," he said.

Similarly, he specified that carriers will be able to obtain batteries, tires or other means, with a reduction of 20% of the retail price.This is not only an advantage, but it also widens the way to the necessary and required wholesale market.

From Theory to Practice

From his orientation papers to conceptualization, the experiment – starting October 8 – ambitious, strong and necessary, while highlighting the central problems that have affected the private work environment, it recognizes its importance, especially in this area.

Apparently, in this order, the whole the world wins – the state – through the established regulations and through to cards – better control its resources; something fundamental because fuel theft is an evil that has dragged Cuba for years. In addition, it organizes a vital service for the population and the economy.

For capitalists who use taxi services, the rules of the game are almost the same as those that have been implemented so far. The price of the ticket will be 5 CUP for eight kilometers of travel … And, for the "cuentapropistas", the gains are well defined.

Now the challenge is that theory is accompanied by practice. Few things will be useful if the drivers commit indiscipline or do not provide sufficient information on the prices of each section. If the carrier does not find the fuel he needs in the service centers and, again, he has to go to the black market if the parts he needs for his car do not appear.

To arrive here, according to the authorities of the Transport Ministry, in-depth studies and badyzes were carried out. Hopefully the effort of so many people will not be lost due to lack of control, abuse of resources and indiscipline. More than 6,000 119 licensees, who are usually the economic support of their households, will be involved.

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