"Yes, there are ballots, but they hide them!" Accuse Ecatepec voters


"They told me that there were no tickets and look, I managed to vote in. Do not be fooled, it does not work," he said. a woman with strangers in a special box at Ecatepec

for Juan Carlos Aguilar

Regeneration, 1 July 2018 .- "Do not leave, there are still tickets in there, they are hide! ", screams a woman, thumbs up, dozens of people waiting to vote in the special box that is in the center of Ecatepec, San Cristobal, State of Mexico. "They told me that there were no tickets and look, I have to vote, do not be fooled, that does not apply."

Outside of José María Morelos y Pavón Regional Cultural Center, where this box has been installed, people are beginning to despair. It remains a little less than an hour for the vote to end at six in the evening, and they fail. "They do not waste time and then tell us that it's already six o'clock," said Rogelio's unworthy, 42-year-old.

Long line of people who want to vote in a special box in San Cristobal, downtown Ecatepec. At the door, people are wondering if there are still tickets for foreigners, but they do not provide them with this information (video of @ Amargus00 ) .https: //t.co / TyjjDVhrho pic.twitter. com / 6iOyFNUsde

– Regeneration ?? (@RegeneracionMx) July 1, 2018

Citizen claims that box managers told him that there were no newsletters special when there was. After waiting he managed to vote (video by @ Amargus00 ) .https: //t.co/TyjjDVhrho pic.twitter.com/iH3DuW07oo

– Regeneration ?? (@RegeneracionMx July 1, 2018

Another woman reported that she refused the ballots in the special box, for foreigners, but there are still some, she also managed to vote after a long wait (video by @ Amargus00 ).

See more: https://t.co/TyjjDVhrho pic.twitter.com/Pn6MSiwxg8

– Regeneration ? ? (@RegeneracionMx) July 1, 2018

According to the General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures (LGIPE), each special box has 750 ballot papers, which is insufficient on an election day which, even without official data, exceeded expectations of participation.

According to polling stations and observers consulted by REGENERACIÓN, this election could reach 70% participation.

Only abroad, the total number of postal parcels received from abroad by the INE was 98,854, more than double the amount received in the 2012 elections (40,961 ) and almost triple that of 2006 (33,111).

For now, in Eca Tepec, as in so many other parts of the country, special polls have been insufficient in this election that some already qualify as historical.

See more on the lack of newsletters in special boxes:

Are exhausted newsletters in special boxes, citizens block the avenues

"So many years of struggle, we can not fail!": Ecatepec neighbor

"So many years of struggle we have to defend them with everything, we can not fail! "says Rosa López García, a leftist woman who has spent most of her life tied to the social struggle. His family arrived at the Adolfo Ruiz Cortines colony in Ecatepec more than 60 years ago and since then he has fought tirelessly with one goal: to improve things in this municipality of the state. from Mexico.

easy Its most distant memory, being a teenager, is from the presidential campaign of Luis Echeverría Álvarez (1970-1976), who, among other things, promised to channel the sewer cbad that is barely pbading 200 meters from his house.

Each PRI, in turn, promised to improve their economy, their education, their health. Promises everything that was dust once won the elections. And every six years there was a new disappointment. Now in the current election, in which the candidate of the coalition "Juntos Haremos Historia", Andrés Manuel López Obrador, conducts virtually all polls, feels happy, happy.

"I am very satisfied, it seems that this time will be different.The neighbors of my colony participate more and that is fine.There has been a change.Today, today, the night, I touch tears with emotion, "says López García in an interview with Regeneración, as we cross the different places of colonizers Adolfo Ruiz Cortines and Izcalli Jardines.

The confidence of López García is due to that, in recent years, the inhabitants of Ecatepec, former stronghold of the PRI, gave their vote of confidence to Morena. "For many years, the PRI has ignored the same people who voted for them, but they are already tired."

He adds, "We only want a better country, I have children and grandchildren and I want what is best for them."

-And what's up? Did he arrive at the pipe that Echeverría had promised them?

– Nothing. 48 years have pbaded and the channel remains the same. Did not respect.

If you want to know more, visit: Regeneration

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