Young sailor calls for expensive treatment for cancer: "I ask for help because they let me die" – National


A young sailor calls for expensive treatment for cancer: "I ask for help because he lets me die"

The 28-year-old man remains at the # Naval hospital of Viña de Mar for advanced cancer and accuses the institution of refusing to perform the treatment because of the high cost. The Navy badures that "she has always supported each of its members" and that they make "maximum efforts". TVN


" I have cancer with 15 nodules in each lung, I ask for help because they let me dying at the hospital of Viña because I am hospitalized but nothing has been done. "

With these words, Davinson Rojas, The naval corporal has makes a dramatic appeal through a video . The 28-year-old remains hospitalized at the Naval Hospital of Viña de Mar for advanced cancer and makes sure that the institution refuses to perform the treatment because of the high cost.

2016 began his ordeal after a discomfort in his leg it will turn into a limp. The young man badures that the doctors of the establishment did not carry out examinations and they told him that it was an inflammation of the tendons.

But the young man did not stay calm with this explanation and when he was transferred to Naval Talcahuano This time the diagnosis was cancer due to a malignant tumor that affects the tissues.

"They did a biopsy and they realized that the tumor was malignant and that it had already spread to the lungs and reached the brain," Felipe Rojas, brother of the affected youth

The family lawyer, Marcelo Escobar, adds that the "ex-sailor" was exposed to radiation because he was in charge of the radars of the Frigate Prat for nearly six years. "

By suffering from an incurable disease the Navy decided to retire him because his health was incompatible with his duties.

Claims for treatment, stating that the institution refuses to cover to be a benefit that is not granted in the naval health system.

"The reason is purely economic, an operation worth 7 million 500 thousand pesos the Navy of Chi he refuses to run," says Marcelo Escobar.

For his part, the director of the naval hospital Almirante Neff captain Boris Sánchez stated that "the pathologies in general from the medical point of view, they have several therapeutic options (…) The Navy has always supported each of its members and we always make the best efforts . "

The young man's family has interposed a resource of protection before the court of appeal to get the one that for them is the best alternative treatment. with information from TVN Red Valparaíso


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