Your death violated our rules: PayPal's astonishing claim to a user who died of cancer


  Lindsay, Cancer Victim, and Howard Durdle, Her Husband

Howard Durdle

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Lindsay Durdle was diagnosed with bad cancer but was diagnosed with then suffered from metastasis This photograph was taken in the last year of his life.

PayPal wrote a letter to a woman, who had died of cancer, telling her that her death had violated her rules and that, as a result, she could sue.

The company has already acknowledged that the letter was "insensitive", apologized to his widower and began an investigation to find out under what circumstances the letter was sent.

The case was revealed after Howard Durdle, her husband, contacted the BBC, sorry. He said that he wanted other organizations to realize how automatic messages are annoying.

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Lindsay Durdle died on May 31 at age 37 She had been diagnosed with bad cancer for the first time a year and a half ago. Then the disease spread to his lungs and brain.

Howard Durdle told PayPal about the death of his wife three weeks ago.

He provided copies of his death certificate, will and identification, as requested.

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Howard Durdle

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PayPal reported that it canceled Momentary Debt of Lindsay Durdle.

Then he received a letter, addressed to his name, at his home in Bucklebury, West Berkshire. It was titled "Important: you should read this notice carefully."

In this document, Lindsay Durdle owed the company approximately US $ 4,243 and continued: "You have breached point 15.4 (c) of your agreement with PayPal Credit, because we have received a notification that we have not received a refund. he died … this offense has no solution. "

PayPal told Durdle that they have this issue as" priority ", and that, for the time being, they have canceled the debt

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"We apologize to Mr. Durdle for the anxiety caused by this letter," added a spokesperson.

"We are investigating This case is urgent and we are in direct contact with Mr. Durdle to support him."

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Howard Durdle

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In the letter, PayPal also declares to have the right to close the account, terminate the agreements and exi Check the total payment of the debt.

Durdle said that one PayPal staff member told him that there were three possible explanations:

• A Computer Error

• An Invalid Letter Template

• A Human Error

He added that he was badured whatever the cause she would be resolved, although PayPal told her that they could not share the information because that 39, was an "internal matter".

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"I am in a situation Right now, I have a well balanced head on my shoulders and I am quite able to cope with paperwork like this. "" I am a member of Widowed and Young Charity and I saw it first.How can a letter like this completely overthrow someone? "

" If I want to make some noise, it's to make sure that PayPal or any other organization capable of doing something so insensitive recognizes the damage that can be caused.the cause to a person who is in a recent grief process. "

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