Your legs are amputated for an infection caused by your dog's saliva


A Wisconsin man lost his legs following an infection caused by the affection of his best friend

Greg Manteufel age 48, believed that he was a victim of the flu when he was beginning to feel sick end of June .

In a few hours, Greg and his wife Damn began to notice swelling and bruising all over their body

"They were everywhere, as if they had given him Batn a told Fox that the man had to go to the emergency room and that the doctors found him contaminated by the bacteria capnocytophaga which is found in the saliva of dogs. 19659003] "This infection in his blood triggered a severe response in his body, "said Dr. Silvia Muñoz-Price explaining that bacteria cause low blood pressure and decreased circulation in the extremities." Sometimes it decreases so much that the legs and arms die, "said Muñoz-Price

The doctors said the contagion had been caused by his dog Ellie.

The Manteufel said that it's a very unfortunate fact since Greg he spent all his life with dogs . Now they are focusing on what will happen to them.

Greg Manteufel.

"We asked the doctors to do everything in their power to keep me alive," said Greg.

The case is atypical, according to Muñoz-Price.

"More than 99% of dogs He never suffers from this," said the expert in contagious diseases.

It is unclear what made the dog that caused the infection. The family organized an online collection to help with their prostheses and their treatment.

For donations, visit this link.

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