Youth from six Latin American countries take up the challenge of Indra Hack Day


  Young professionals from Chile who participated in Hack Day & # 39; Desafío América & # 39;
Young professionals from Chile who participated in Hack Day & # 39; Desafío América & # 39;

Indra summoned his young professionals from six countries of Latin America ( Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru ) to participate yesterday in Hack Day & Desafío América & # 39; The activity consisted of a series of ideation workshops aimed at generating innovative proposals, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

In total, five teams per country, formed by four young professionals and one expert, worked to try to present the most innovative idea and thus move on to the next phase, in which a team from each country will compete to win a place in the final to be held in Brazil.

The initiative aims to improve innovation and team work with young professionals from different countries of America. In each of them, some of the 20 SDGs were selected and one was randomly badigned to each team as a subject on which they had to work.

During the eight hours during which they developed the project, each team counted co n the opinion of a labor expert consulted many times.

At the end of the day, each team gave a five-minute presentation in front of a jury made up of two directors of the company and an external expert of reference in innovation and technology. The jury evaluated the disruptive level of the idea, the communication skills and originality in the presentation, the proposed resolution to the problem raised, technological innovation and viability.

Each member of the winning team receives a gift voucher In addition, his work will be published on Indra's internal channels and will move to the second phase of the contest, during which six teams, the winner from each country, will compete for a place in the final to be held in Brazil.

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