YouTube: Budew and Buizel look like newcomers to fourth-generation Pokémon GO | Video | Niantic | community day | Video games


The nano game of augmented reality, Pokémon GO follows a continuum of innovative content and the beginning of this week is no exception, since two pokémon of the fourth generation appeared for the first time time. once in the game. This is Budew and Buizel .

Budew and Buizel are two pokémon of Sinnoh region and could not come at a better time as their availability corresponds to the community day of Pokémon GO . The first event with stellar rains is also in progress and will last until November 13th.

Budew is a plant and poison type Pokémon. You will be able to visualize its appearance in the game if you do not cross it any more.

 Pokémon GO Budew

 Pokémon GO Budew

 Pokémon GO Budew

In addition, of Buizel

. ] is a sea otter that plunges into fights and raids around the world, according to the publication of the Twitter account of Pokémon GO Spain.

 Pokemon GO Buizel ]

 Pokemon GO Buizel

 Pokemon GO Buizel

You can see how the youtuber Keibron Gamer confronts of Buizel in an intense battle:

And here is how to get to Budew