YouTube: Nintendo wins the battle for emulation and claims more than $ 12 million in compensation | Video | Roma | loveretro lovers | emuparadise | emulators | theisozone | JUGAMER | Video games


Nintendo won the lawsuit on the sites and . A lawsuit that was filed in July of this year. The Arizona court said that Jacob and Crstian Mathias, who administered the two sites, are guilty of having violated Nintendo's copyright and must now pay the entire amount of $ 12.23 million. dollars in compensation for damage to society for the distribution of ROM .

Everyone remembers the scandal that Nintendo committed for his actions against websites and . one of the first steps of the plumbing company in his crusade against the sites of ROM and emulators which would provoke in parallel sites such as Emuparadise and abandon their offer of Roma or end up disappearing.

  Nintendo wins in court

 Loveroms nintendo loveretro 19659002] Au Pair However, Nintendo has managed to reach a milestone in its mission because it has just won the link request to the first two websites mentioned: and who will have to pay more than twelve billion dollars in compensation for the damage suffered.

In July of this year, the world of video games resonated, particularly in sectors dedicated to emulation and the preservation of earlier titles, when Nintendo filed a lawsuit against some Web sites known to provide ROM (digital copies of video games) as well as emulators. As a result, these popular sites suddenly caught the fans' surprise.

Only a few weeks later, the big N would have another blow, even indirectly. Emuparadise may be the most complete and complete portal among those offering ROMs and video game downloads also closed, although only the section devoted to downloads but not all of its content. The news fell like a bucket of cold water for many fans. On the site itself, the creator of Emuparadise claimed that the closing of his site was to prevent legal action, which Nintendo would have warned. In the same order of ideas, he said he was grateful for the support and homepage fans have been keeping on the page for years. He also mentioned receiving letters from soldiers on duty, claiming to remember precious moments from his childhood, downloading the games from his childhood while they were struggling with the conflict or the war itself. even.


 emuparadise emulation nintendo

The same creator of Emuparadise left a significant message on the website on that date, entitled " ] Emuparadise is changing "and states in part:

" It is not worth risking these disastrous consequences.In all conscience, I can not risk the future of our team members who have contributed to the site over the years.We have reserved Emuparadise for the love of retro games and for you to revisit these good times.Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to do such a thing that makes everyone happy and keeps us away from the problems. "

Critics have been quick to arrive on all sorts of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Nintendo offers none of its many services that can compensate for the loss of availability of millions of games in these pages. Clbadical examples are fan translations to games that have never had an official translation, or even ever. they have to embark for the West, as is the case of Mother 3 (Earthbound's second sequel) for Super Nintendo, to name just one of the many cases.

A few weeks later, another giant and well-known site of ROM ] would fall, again as prevention before the threat of Nintendo: Theisozone . Another popular site that counted not only on games, but also on guides of all types the community. In this case, the entire site was removed by its creators because of alleged internal quarrels.

The worst of all is perhaps what several industry badysts mention, when they point directly to Nintendo . ] as a society that offers nothing to preserve them. At the time of launching the Nintendo Switch Online service, which promised games from NDA many were expecting a large catalog of them, but the results were disappointing.

  Nintendo Roma

[1965916]  nintendo roms

It should be noted that the mentioned sites not only offer video games of Nintendo but also of Other companies and consoles, such as Sega, Sony PlayStation and an infinity of gaming companies and systems that they do not even exist anymore The issue of the license is therefore unclear. However, the patent law does not clbadify video games, but regards them as intellectual elements of any kind. For a video game to be declared "public domain", it should run 75 years since its creation. The first commercial video game in history, Pong, is not yet 50 years old.

The Peruvian channel JUGAMER posted a video on YouTube at the announcement of the partial closure of . ] Emuparadise which you can see here

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