YouTube | The emotional video of the young man who dedicates a professional title to his father Mason | Video | Paraguay | Trade | World | Latin America


Paraguay . A touching video from YouTube shows when a young woman spends her Bachelor of Science degree in education on her father, a bricklayer. The video recorded by his sister became viral on social networks

The video of YouTube shows Yudit Romero, 32, the title in hand, slowly approaching the workplace of his Father.

"This achievement also belongs to you, from the family and my mother, because thanks to your work we were able to study", Romero was very happy to hear the video of YouTube . Yudit Romero was born into a family of limited resources but it was her desire to become a professional who motivated her to study at the National Pilar University.

After the video became viral to YouTube the lawyer offered an interview to a Paraguayan media in which she indicated that her father, Blas Romero, was working as a bricklayer from the age of 15 while his mother was working on sewing.

"They always insisted that we study and train to be able to get work and to grow as professionals," Romero explained.

Yudit Romero said that with his three sisters, they successfully completed their respective academic careers.


(Video: YouTube)

Source: The Nación de Argentina (GDA) with Information from the Paraguayan Nation

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