YouTube viral: Here's how some cats reacted before an earthquake | video | viral Japan | Social networks | trends


Animal intuition surprises the world again. This time, a video posted on YouTube shows how a group of cats feel and react, a few seconds ago, to an earthquake in Japan

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The images were recorded by a security camera in a cafeteria with animals in the city of Tokyo ; we see a pack resting there, but suddenly they make strange movements as if they felt something; a few seconds after an earthquake, the same that surprised the city on June 17, local date

Cats search refuge before the earth begins to tremble, while others wake up the alerts and They hang on to their beds. The YouTube video was shared by one of the coffee workers on the day of the incident.

The reactions of animals, moments before earthquakes, are due to changes in the Earth's crust, both are directly related, according to geophysicist Friedemann Freund, a NASA researcher.

The intuition of these cats therefore has an explanation. As revealed a study of Anglia Runkin University, England, about wild animals and changes in their behavior before earthquakes occur.



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