China’s Evergrande debt crisis: assessing a big mess


China Evergrande Group EGRNF -6.10%

last month it missed an expected interest payment to foreign bondholders, suggesting that October could result in one of the biggest defaults in years.

Investors grappled with unknowns including what the Chinese government might do in response. Beijing has signaled that it is preparing to cushion the blow to national interests. This could include potential help for Chinese investors, banks, Evergrande suppliers, and home buyers who have pledged financially for homes that have yet to be completed.

Evergrande and the real estate sector in general are important cogs in the Chinese economy, and the overheated real estate market was already showing signs of slowing down. At the same time, few analysts expect good news for the foreign owners of the company’s dollar bonds.

Evergrande said last month it hired financial advisers and said defaulting was a risk.

The real estate bubble in China

Analysts have generally indicated that an Evergrande default will not trigger a crisis of confidence like the one that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers. But Evergrande has been the biggest real estate developer in a growing Chinese real estate bubble for years. Investments over the past decade in China’s residential real estate market eclipsed the US housing bubble of the 2000s, at least in terms of the share of national economic output.

Investment in residential real estate, annual

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

Investment in residential real estate, annual

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

Investment in residential real estate, annual

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

Investment in residential real estate, annual

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion

Investment in residential real estate, annual

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion


in residential

real estate annual

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

China in 2020

$ 1.6 trillion


in residential

real estate annual

United States in 2005

847 billion dollars

Construction boom

The scale of Evergrande’s ambitions was astounding. At the end of last year, the real estate developer had more than 700 projects under construction, covering 132 million square meters of total floor area. For comparison, the total area of ​​the Empire State Building is approximately 257,000 square meters.

The floor space of Evergrande’s construction projects is roughly equivalent to 513 Empire State Buildings.

Note: Based on Evergrande’s 132 million square meters of gross floor area in projects under construction at the end of 2020 and Empire State Building’s floor area of ​​257,211 square meters

Sources: Evergrande; Empire State Real Estate Trust

The floor space of Evergrande’s construction projects is roughly equivalent to 513 Empire State Buildings.

Note: Based on Evergrande’s 132 million square meters of gross floor area in projects under construction at the end of 2020 and Empire State Building’s floor area of ​​257,211 square meters

Sources: Evergrande; Empire State Real Estate Trust

The floor space of Evergrande’s construction projects is roughly equivalent to 513 Empire State Buildings.

Note: Based on Evergrande’s 132 million square meters of gross floor area in projects under construction at the end of 2020 and Empire State Building’s floor area of ​​257,211 square meters

Sources: Evergrande; Empire State Real Estate Trust

The floor space of Evergrande’s construction projects is roughly equivalent to 513 Empire State Buildings.

Note: Based on Evergrande’s 132 million square meters of gross floor area in projects under construction at the end of 2020 and Empire State Building’s floor area of ​​257,211 square meters

Sources: Evergrande; Empire State Real Estate Trust

The floor space of Evergrande’s construction projects is roughly equivalent to 513 Empire State Buildings.

Note: Based on Evergrande’s 132 million square meters of gross floor area in projects under construction at the end of 2020 and Empire State Building’s floor area of ​​257,211 square meters

Sources: Evergrande; Empire State Real Estate Trust

An Evergrande housing estate in Beijing. Over the past decade, investment in China’s residential real estate market has eclipsed the US housing bubble of the 2000s.


Associated Press

Part of the uncertainty surrounding Evergrande’s struggles stems from its sales practices. Evergrande sold many homes before they were completed. By mid-year, the company had pre-sold around 1.4 million individual properties with a total value of around $ 200 billion.

Rising demand

Another sign of the magnitude of the housing boom in China: house price-to-income ratios in major Chinese cities make New York, London and Paris appear cheap.

Bills to pay

At the heart of this crisis is Evergrande’s mountain of debt, which stood at around $ 304 billion by the middle of this year. This included $ 89 billion in outstanding debt, 42% of which was due in less than a year.

The company’s borrowings include nearly $ 20 billion in dollar-denominated bonds. On September 23, he failed to pay $ 83.5 million in interest on that offshore debt, leaving foreign investors to weigh their options for recourse. Evergrande has a grace period of 30 days before its non-payment constitutes a default in payment of its obligations.

Evergrande’s $ 304 billion in liabilities

Chinese yuan debt

$ 67.6 billion

Includes amounts owed to third parties

such as suppliers and contractors,

payroll and other debts


taxes and others


US dollar debt

$ 20.0 billion

Hong Kong dollar debt: $ 1 billion

Chinese yuan debt

$ 67.6 billion

Includes amounts owed to third parties

such as suppliers and contractors,

payroll and other debts


taxes and others


US dollar debt

$ 20.0 billion

Hong Kong dollar debt: $ 1 billion

Chinese yuan debt

$ 67.6 billion

Includes amounts owed to third parties

such as suppliers and contractors,

payroll and other debts


taxes and others


US dollar debt

$ 20.0 billion

Hong Kong dollar debt: $ 1 billion


debt in yuan

$ 67.6 billion

Includes amounts due

to third parties such as

suppliers and contractors,

payroll and other debts


tax and



US dollar debt

$ 20.0 billion

Hong Kong dollar debt: $ 1 billion


debt in yuan

$ 67.6 billion

Includes money

due to third parties

such as suppliers and

contractors payroll

and other debts


tax and




dollar debt

$ 20.0 billion

Hong Kong dollar debt: $ 1 billion

Evergrande on Wednesday said it has reached a deal with a Chinese state-owned company to sell most of its stake in a commercial bank for $ 1.5 billion, a sign that the country’s authorities are trying to help the property developer deal with its crisis. debt.

Many analysts say an Evergrande default is unlikely to cause a full-scale crisis of confidence.


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China Evergrande Group: Blocking construction, massive debts

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