Chinese Mars rover completes 90-day mission


The Chinese rover to Mars has completed its planned 90-day mission fully charged and in good condition, and will continue to explore, according to reports.

The Zhurong rover would continue to explore the Utopia Planitia de Mars, the vast area where it landed, the country’s National Space Administration said on Friday, according to the Associated Press.

The Zhurong rover landed on May 14 and is sending images of the red planet via China’s Tianwen-1 orbiter.

It traveled 889 meters and collected 10 gigabytes of raw data, according to the Chinese Communist Party’s Global Times.

China and the United States are the only countries to have successfully installed a rover on Mars.

China is also assembling a space station, the first module of which, Tianhe, is now in orbit around Earth, according to the AP. China is excluded from the International Space Station.

The Chinese rover Zhurong Mars
The rover reportedly traveled 889 meters and collected 10 gigabytes of raw data.
Chinese rover Zhurong Mars continues its work after completing its initial program to explore the Red Planet and search for frozen water that could provide clues as to whether it once supported life, according to an announcement from the Chinese National Space Administration on Friday August 20.  2021.
The Chinese rover Zhurong Mars continues on its way after completing its initial program to explore the red planet and search for frozen water, according to the Chinese National Space Administration on August 20, 2021.
AP Photo / Sam McNeil

The country also recently brought moon rocks back to Earth, according to AP – the first nation to do so from the United States.


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