Chinese Mars Rover just returned stunning new images


The Chinese rover Tianwen-1 has been patrolling Mars for more than 60 Earth days. He recently returned some new footage from his trip, and they are gorgeous.

China’s Tianwen-1 space rover recently sent new images of the surface of March, and they provided a stunning new take on the surface of Red Planet. When it comes to space exploration, Mars has been the focus of many people. Whether it is debates about pre-existing life on the planet or whether it is habitable for future humans, Mars is often seen as the next destination for the human race. It will be a long way before that day arrives – if it ever does – but it hasn’t stopped various countries and space agencies from doing what they can to find out more about the planet.

In the United States alone, much attention has been drawn to Mars in recent years. On February 18, 2021, NASA’s Perseverance rover officially landed on Mars after its launch in July 2020. Associated with a small helicopter named “Ingenuity”, the two machines roam the surface of Mars to gather new information about the planet that fascinates so many people. Elon Musk has also often talked about his desire to bring humans to Mars using his aerospace company SpaceX.

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That said, the United States is not the only country to embark on the exploration of Mars. The Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) landed its Tianwen-1 rover on Mars on May 14. The rover officially disengaged from its landing craft on May 22 to begin exploring the planet, and has been doing so for just over 60 Earth days. As reported by Universe today, CNSA released new images of Tianwen-1 on July 15 that offer an exciting new look at the Martian surface.

What these new images of Mars reveal

Chinese rover Tianwen-1 Mars photos

Photo via CNSA

So, what did we discover with these latest images? One of the photos is a landscape photo of Mars that shows a red dune about 20 feet away. Images closer to the dune reveal that there are several boulders nearby, one of which is 13.4 inches wide. There are a few other images of the planet’s surface, one of which was taken while Tianwen-1 was about 200 meters from its landing site. Tianwen-1 was also able to get close and familiar with some landforms on Mars. Using its Mars Surface Compound Detector and multispectral camera, Tianwen-1 took photos of rocks and the soil they rest on, capturing details such as layers of dust and footprints from the tracks. of the rover.

In addition to seeing photos taken on Mars, Tianwen-1 also captured a few snaps of its descent to the planet. These images show a wider view of the surface of Mars, as well as the underside of the parachute and a glimpse of the sky of Mars. The images are breathtaking to watch for themselves, and this point is even more remarkable considering that Tianwen-1 marks China’s first Mars mission in history. To view all photos, see the source link below.

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Source: Universe today

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