Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook: It's time to break with Facebook


In a long article published Thursday by the New York Times, Hughes says Zuckerberg has "uncontrolled power" and influence "far superior to anyone in the private sector or the government."
It's time, he writes, that regulators are separating Facebook (FB).

"Mark is a good and kind person, but I am sorry that his interest in growth has led him to sacrifice security and civility for clicks," Hughes writes.

"I am disappointed with myself and the first Facebook team not to think more about how the News Feed algorithm could change our culture, influence elections and empower nationalist leaders," he said. . "And I'm worried Mark has surrounded himself with a team that reinforces his beliefs instead of challenging them."

Quick facts on Facebook
Hughes is the latest in a series of leading entrepreneurs and technology leaders who have called for stricter regulation of Facebook and other online platforms. They say that countries around the world are rushing to put in place better controls after a wave of scandals related to data privacy, electoral interference and the spread of misinformation.

Hughes, who has not worked at Facebook for more than 10 years, says Zuckerberg's competitive drive and quest for dominance have led the company to control about 80 percent of global social media revenues.

The company that he helped create, writes Hughes, is now a "powerful monopoly".

"[Zuckerberg] has created a leviathan that eliminates the entrepreneurial spirit and limits the choice of consumers. It is up to our government to ensure that we never lose the magic of the invisible hand, "said Hughes.


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