Chrissy Teigen targeted by a fur protester and hiding Heckler


Chrissy Teigen

Targeted by a fur protester

Shrugged Heckler's shoulders

30/04/2019 18:31 PDT


Chrissy Teigen catches fire from the fur protesters, but she can not be disturbed by the rowdy screaming at her and calling her "heartless killer".

The video obtained by TMZ shows the personality and style of television that suffer the consequences of an anti-fur activist Rob Banks"Fury Tuesday night at Cipriani Grand Central in New York … and you hear the guy trying to shame her in front of a huge crowd, but she does not bite at the hook.

Instead of engaging with the man who calls her a "heartless moron" for wearing real fur, Chrissy does what she does best … smiles a nice smile and keeps asking for photos .

Chrissy does not seem to wear fur at the 36th Annual City Harvest … but she's no stranger to fur coats.

Whatever your position on wearing fur, here is something we can all agree on: Chrissy absolutely dies in a bikini.


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