Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder warned Zack Snyder not to watch Justice League


Watch: Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer

Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder’s wife, producer Deborah Snyder, told the Justice League director of not going to see the final version of Joss Whedon’s film.

According to a new report in Vanity Fair, the couple told him the end result would “break his heart.”

Snyder had to give up on finishing the film during its post-production period, following the tragic death of the couple’s daughter.

Meeting vigilantes Director Joss Whedon then took over, but embarked on his own re-shoots of the film before releasing it a few months later.

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The result was criticized by critics and underperformed at the box office, and Whedon has since been accused of abusive behavior on the set of the film, most notably by Cyborg actor Ray Fisher.

Director Zack Snyder and his wife producer Deborah Snyder arrive for the European premiere of

Director Zack Snyder and his wife producer Deborah Snyder (Credit: REUTERS / Luke MacGregor)

In the Vanity Fair report, Deborah Snyder reveals that she went to a premiere screening of the finished film with Christopher Nolan, who was a producer on Steel man, and an executive producer on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

“It was just… it’s a weird experience,” Snyder said. “I don’t know how many people have this experience. You’ve been working on something for a long time, then you go, and then you see what happened to it.

Snyder on Justice League with Ben Affleck (Photo credit: Warner Bros.)

Snyder on Justice League with Ben Affleck (Photo credit: Warner Bros)

Zack Snyder, also interviewed for the play, continues, “They came and they just said, ‘You can never see this movie.'”

Deborah Snyder then adds: “Because I knew it would break her heart.”

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After being given the green light to recut the original film – and after an investigation into Whedon’s alleged behavior – Warner Bros. is now set to unveil Snyder’s cut of the film, costing an additional $ 70 million.

Now running at four o’clock and rated R, it is slated for release on HBO Max in the US on March 18.

Details of the UK version have yet to be confirmed.


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