Chrome OS 89 Features: Practice and Walkthrough [VIDEO]


Chrome OS 89 is here and available for most Chromebook users, so we wanted to take a few minutes and go through all the notable additions to the OS this time around. In the history of Chrome OS releases, I can think of a few that have been released with so many new tips and updates. There are so many deals with Chrome OS 89 that we wanted to spend a few days using all of the new features as they appear in Stable Channel and putting together a quick video highlighting each of the fun new ways to use your Chromebook.

Of screen recording on the multimedia controls of the telephone hub, Chrome OS 89 appears to be the culmination of months of additions, testing, and work to make Chromebooks much better and easier to use. Gabriel has already posted a rundown of all the new stuff on offer, so if you want to read a list and dig a little deeper into each new feature, head over to his post. For this article, we just wanted to test all of these features and show them to you on video. We know that sometimes these announcements happen and some great features just get overlooked and underutilized. Seeing them on the screen, we hope you find increased interest and try each of these new additions for yourself on your own Chromebook.

Finally, I also wanted to point out that as part of this launch coinciding with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Chrome OS, we have teamed up with Google to offer 20 limited edition Chromebook covers and 20 exclusive sticker packs. We’ve already hit the first 5 given out and will continue to give 5 lucky winners 5 sleeves and sticker packs every week until they are gone. If you haven’t already, make sure you’re entered to win via the big button below and good luck!


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