Clark County Reports 10 New COVID-19 Deaths, Bringing Weekly Total to 20


Clark County reported 10 deaths from COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the total to 20 over a seven-day period, according to Clark County Public Health.

The deaths included two men in their 50s, a man in their 60s, three men in their 60s, two men 80 or older and two women 80 or older, according to public health. Each had underlying conditions.

The deaths have pushed Clark County’s COVID-19 toll to 202 to date. There have been 20 deaths reported since February 5, up from 16 deaths reported the week before and six deaths in each of the previous three weeks. Twenty of the 202 deaths from COVID-19 are still considered suspicious. These cases are counted when COVID-19 is not listed as a contributing factor on the death certificate, but has not been ruled out as a cause of death – and the person died after testing positive for COVID-19 within 28 days of death.

Clark County Public Health had reported a lower number of new cases than expected this week, but warned the lower numbers were due to data processing issues with the state. Public health said the issue was resolved on Friday.

Public health reported 108 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the county’s total to 17,398 cases. There has been an average of about 77 new cases per day since February 5, compared to an average of about 94 cases per day the week before and 118 cases per day the week before. The average number of new cases peaked in early January with around 180 new cases per day.

The number of active cases rose to 571 on Friday, from 529 on Thursday. These cases are considered contagious and still in their period of isolation, according to public health.

Hospitalizations have dropped. 38 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 in Clark County on Friday, up from 47 on Thursday. There were three people hospitalized awaiting test results, up from two on Thursday, according to public health data. The percentage of occupied licensed intensive care beds fell to 79.7% on Friday, from 89.1% on Thursday.


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