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I don’t think this guy understands how human relationships work… actually I don’t think he understands women are humans and not clone mannequins if his comparisons are anything to go by
Thank God I can do for myself and I don't need anymore to do a damn thing for me ?
What is wrong with him? Why does he look like that?
I wholeheartedly agree!! You're absolutely correct sir.
Hey !!! Good to see you back here ! ???
Great video
you see women are doing that because they dont meet the standards
therefore they cant date them
as in be taken out to free dinners, get bought gifts on certain days and whatnot
ergo these women who "dont sell theirselves" are cut off from those things
which means they must oppose standards by men in general to protect those benefits
and no im not lowering my standards, make yourself better instead of lowering bars and by extension making shit worse for everyone
Speak Brother???? As a woman, I can say this shit is true
Youtube magnate right here! Truth and logic only!
damn bro your still around? I was hoping some one would have blown" head off. Well! guess, I just have to keep praying, for it to happen

Good shit tommy?
I've never been afraid to call a woman shallow. More quality women SHOULD call out shallow females because it's women like them that give our sex a bad rap. Tommy is 100% on point.
Tommy you should be glad you do not have a vagina other wise you would have all them STDs.
Men that fit those high standards aren't complaining though haha.
Love Love but the majority of Latin and Asian women are not looking for black men and that’s coming from a black man.
???? Make that make sense
it's because some men and women are nothing but followers that's why this shit would never change
it's because they got the pussy and they know niggas that love to holla gone do what they say fact! It's you niggas that keep holla holla holla and desperate once she tells you all that bs standards that she don't follow herself i personally curse bitches out and put them on my enemy list that's a fact as well peace p.s. moral of the story is do for yourself brothers and just fuck these bitches and leave #pulloutgameonpoint #nokids
I had character standards not superficial standards, all people should go by character standards first superficial comes second.
Everything yøu are saying is sø true
My standards are primarily moral, as a result of this I have filtered most women from being my potential mates.
Thank you, that was very well spoken. Can comprerhend every bit of it
U or the truth
Well said Tommy.
Tommy you are downright handsome and have a gorgeous smile!!
i agree whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
I ain't gonna lie, I've never had this problem. My saying is "If I can't pick her up and throw her about, I'm not interested. And I'm not that strong". Although to be honest I wouldn't tell a girl that trying to pull me. I'd just go with… I'm flattered sweetheart, but I'm not single.
SotoNation all the way!! This is real talk! And so on point!!
That hairlime tho
This is why I've been single and picky with women for the last 5 months. It's nice to feel justified for it.
Classic video. I agree everyone's standards should be respected.
Damn Tommy I watch your videos all the time…but today you look amazing. Idk if it's the lighting or what but…hot damn!!